Flower Sun and Rain poster

Sumio MondoFan art/ Cos play Art Cos play

Random Japanese fan art & cos play that I found on a search engine while looking up FSR.

Left: Sumio Mondo Right: Toriko Kusabi Middle: Remy & Koshimizu Bottom: Sundance

Sumio Mondo FSR fanartSource

Ed Macalister and Sumio fanartTropical Sumio Mondo fan artsource

Sumio and Toriko Kusabi
I think that's the first time I've ever saw them speak to each other.

Sumio and Sue fanart
Sumio & Sue make a cute couple.

FSR fanart 1

FSR fanart 2

FSR fanart 3

Sundance Shot FSR fanart


Female Sumio Mondo cos play
Sumio female cosplay FSR Sumio Mondo cosplay

comment: Damn, I wish I had a "Katherine" case like her.


Sumio Mondo Timeline
Edo Macalister
Game Manual Scans
Guest list
What is FSR
Fan art/Cosplay
Official site
GHM Hana official site
7 SINS 7 KILLERS - Killer 7 SINdicate

Katherine silver case
The versatile code input machine "Katharine" is used for the solution of an obstructive event. Katharine is connected with the object (Jack Inn), and the encrypted code is dialed.
Losspass hotel manual
The hint concerning the code is published in the tour guidebook "THE LOSPASS". The player searches out the pages of the guide book for subliminal messages to the correct code.
Killer 7 SINdicate hosted sites
The Silver Case fansiteFlower Sun and Rain fansite