I'm looking for surrealist films of similar style to David Lynch's Fire Walk with me - Inland Empire era.
I heard that the animu dude Satoshi Kun is somewhat similar. I've only seen Perfect Blue which was good. Are there any others from his work that I should check out?
I loved his Paprika, though its more dreamy.
I remember hearing an animated japanese movie about a girl joining a circus of freaks but sadly cant remember the name of the movie. Last I recall the movie seemed surrealistic.
Hey you mean Midori based on Suehiro Maruo's manga? It's my all time fav drama
Also that dreaded El Topo movie SUDA namedropped just to look cool is surreal and part of the inspiration for David Lynch when he was just starting out.
Didn't know whether I should make a topic for this or not, but does anyone know of the kerberos series, stuff like Jin Roh?
Well apparently there are two other movies in the series, live action movies that are, well, weird as fuck.
Honestly I was disappointed to find out about this since I loved the political thriller angle of Jin Roh and the comics. There are also other movies in the series relating to fast food, which is apparently illegal in their world, lol.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
I don't know why, but sometimes I remember "A Page of Madness" out of the blue. Though originally I wanted to remember a film that I planned to watch along with "Pastoral: To Die in the Country", but I forgot its name. I think they were somewhat similar in surreal vibes, but that one movie was a short one. Eh, I'll remember it someday.
He is the son of a blind owner, daily turning on the tape recorder with a childish squeal to give the impression that their place is full.
She is the only girl, it seems, in the gloomy and rainy world around them, who dreams of going to an island with the alluring name of Tuvalu. Of course they couldn't help but meet.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)