Just as Dynamic Kid said, the World Wrestling Championship was about to start. The preliminaries would be held in sixteen different countries, with the finals taking place at Wembley Stadium in London.
Sumisu and his partner resolve to meet each other in the finals, as both of them are in the preliminaries. The partner will act as Sumisu’s second as he fights The Saber, Macho Saber and the ‘Youkai Ninja’ Brade Musha.
Sumisu overcomes each challenger with his newfound inner strength and moves on to the finals.
The World Championship depicted in Champion Road might have been inspired by the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship, due to its use of the golden belt, and the 1992 SummerSlam, which took place in Wembley Stadium, though its events are largely made-up, as evidence by this chapter’s usage of the HWA (Human Wrestling Alliance) ring.

Sumisu’s first opponent, The Saber, is based on Big Van Vader, a super-heavyweight American Pro Wrestler who was highly regarded both in America and in Japan, where he fought under NJPW and U-Inter.

His second opponent, Macho Saber, is based on Macho Man Randy Savage, an American wrestler known for his flamboyant presentation.

The final opponent, Brade Musha, is based on Keiji Muto, who in 1988 was wrestling overseas donning his Super Black Ninja babyface persona, before returning to Japan in 1990 as a heel under the name The Great Muta.