Fuck, I'm sick of seeing Souls clones! Its like every other new game I see announced is a wannabe Dark Souls.
Like the fuck? 40 souls clones on 1 console?!
Whatever happened to just hard core action games like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Sword of the Berserk Guts Rage or Shinobi?
Everything is Souls now.
I'm also sick of hearing about Bloodborne. Its not that great. I finally played it on the PS4 emulator(because there is no way in hell I'm buying a PS4 for just 1 game.) For all the hype and obsession that game gets in Souls game discourse, it was just "okay." Sony fanboys hype that shit up to the stratosphere, and they are easy to spot. They call everything Souls"borne" instead of Souls or Soulslike. They want that one off game to be put on a pedestal so badly that they try to define the genre by it even though only 1 game is like it and as 1 off souls games go, Sekiro was better.
After seeing all the lore videos and people hacking it to pieces to find explanations for the obtuse story, it becomes clear that most of the interest in Bloodborne comes from people filling the plot holes with their own lore. The game was half finished when it was released and a lot of the story just doesn't exist. It was clear from some of the videos showing the beta and playtest builds with how devs still hadn't finalized large chunks of the game just 2 months before its release. Whole areas and boss fights were entirely different. They were struggling to get that shit to run the PS4 hardware and had to keep cutting shit back, rewriting or scrapping content.
Though, I suppose if they weren't cloning souls games, they'd be cloning Mosou or Monster Hunter games again. Most modern devs really have no talent or imagination.
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