Hillarious how I'm that fucking hated. This is the first time that I've ever been this seriously sick in decades. (Sure I prob have early-stage skin cancer or something but I still function like normal.)
I also now finally have a wrinkle, in muh 37 yrs of life. A forehead wrinkle, which typically denotes heart failure. (Which I've been having probs with the past 3 days due to some punkass tampering with my food.)
I still have a typical Mobster-babyface even with the forehead wrinkle but it pisses me off coz it makes it look like I do drugs. I really was a boyscout so I pride myself in being straight-edge, I Don't do drugs, ever.
I never implied that anyway. I just think she's an organized-cultist on the medium-level. Similar to how you wouldn't know who's in the Mafia back in the day, due to omerta. If such things as demons exist, then they don't have corporeal forms, they merely possess objects & other bodies like what Xed was saying about Devil May Cry 1 & how none of the other DMC games have enemy-design that's as good as DMC1.My point was never that she's not a demon, just that most of these elite types are fucking losers :lol: and even the most grotesque cultural power doesn't make them not losers.
Did I ever send you the PM? Well whatever at least I know we're on the same page here about some pedo hooman trafficking ring. I had to do it through pm coz I was sending a direct link from the CIA website about the Salem Bitch trials, as well as two personal encounters I had where if they think you're one of them, they go for the handshake and if you don't know it, they act completely different as if the previous convo didn't happen, it's all part of hiding in plain sight.
I had a detailed account of it on Livejournal way back when it first happened. I deleted muh lj way back in 2012 due to an OSI background check after I was sent a message to delete everything by a certain date.
LOL that's my bro to a tee. I even got my Spawn no.1 from him. When you google my name, you usually get pictures of him instead, although we look alike. He's just physically-bigger, and friendlier-looking. (He's the guy with the guitar & the long Blonde-hair White Rocker wife.)Your brother sounds like a more extreme version of the same people I associated with all that stuff, when I saw people reading comics as a kid Spawn was #1 in America so it was all leather clad metalheads that looked like they were coming from or going to a Slayer show. Gaming was cool when it wasn't cool, same for comics, D&D and everything else.
This was the band he was in although he doesn't even show up in the complete members list.
I guess he wasn't in the band long enough to count, although the previous iteration of that band did go to his funeral. There were thousands of peeps at his funeral & they buried him with some premium collectors edition of World of Warcrap. If I died today, there'd be like zero peeps showing up 'cept for my folks and prob a couple of their friends. If it were 5 years ago, it prob be a bunch of angry purdy girls realizing they've been played.
Is it still like that on XONE? I got the impression that they all moved to PS4, coz the PS4 scene I was in, was nothing like PS3. I actually liked hanging out all day just starting shit with other crews at PS4 and starting huge gangwars in GTA5 or some shit lol.Microsoft was king of console online since the original Xbox because they understood how to make it work and make it fun before anyone else.
He had his own tv show on Cartoon network. It was popular too, but a 2nd season was cancelled due to backstage politics. Something bout him being a 'KKK Trump Alt-Right Far-Right *insert word salad here*' supporter. He was honestly none of that. Hyde doesn't even consider himself as right wing.But, there are dissidents that make money. Sam Hyde makes money and he puts everything behind a paywall, but he got there putting out free shit for years.
If I had to guess, Hyde's politics sound similar to MGTOW more than anything. His most funny skits were MGTOW memes making fun of "The Wall".
This shit is so ahead of its time. One of those contestants is a fucking tranny :lol: .
That one is also hilarious coz he's making fun of Shaun King of BLM, the little White bitch who cosplays as Black.
That's a damn good Cali-accent lol. It's crazy to me how Shaun being White is considered a conspiracy theory when both of his parents are White, and he has his pop's facial features, who is also White, lol.
Damn that show got memory-holed like fuck. I forgot that it exists, and Hyde hasn't even done anything since then. Sad. He looked like he was going places during that era. Motherfuckers used to post his old ass Weeb & Faggot rants at the other site. THis was way back in the day before he was ever labeled as 'alt-right'. Some of the fools who were posting his vids at the other k7 forum are actually full blown Bernie-bros these days.
Yeah these guys Hyde & that Horror dude are making some money (that horror game guy has interesting projects.), but they make nowhere near as much $$$ as chumps like that Va-ha11a faggot, who's game is constantly pushed on Nintendo Switch. That motherfucker actually talks shit about me & calls me out by SN. He doesn't know who I am I think, but it still pisses me off that he jokingly calls me a 'chad' when it truly looks like I'd rip him to pieces in a fist fight.
It's like who the fuck do these nerds think they are? OOOOH, ur popular on the net. I was too, until nerds took over & banned everyone like me off of their platforms, AYY LMAO!
The only way to truly affect culture as a dissident is to uproot your own business, buy your own building & have it exist as an actual physical entity. Course you're still going to get bled dry anyway due to random lawsuits & scandals that come your way coz these pussies don't play fair. It'll just be harder to take you down, coz they can't just ban you when your org actually exists in real life.
OH BTW, NICE SITE! There's fukkinh nuffing.
At this rate it doesn't even matter anymore. You lose just about all of your audience-retention by the 4rth day of being down, and this site has been out of order for 5 months.
I keep getting banned everywhere for the most mild of comments so I'm prob just going to use my site blog to rant as well as post uploads.
(BTW FUK U MOTHERFUKKERs for ignoring me & then posting bout how Commies Be gud & shit just coz they're Anti-Israel, when I think they're all shit.)
It's crazy to me how I get banned without even trying. I'm just speaking like a normal man, BBBAAAANNNED!
It's fucking assine how making a simple observation that American-transgenders are a fad, similar to American 90s-era Gangster-wannabes can get you instantly banned for a week with no means of rebuttal or a chance to explain yourself, since even the comment I posted didn't come off as demeaning. I even took the time to say transgender instead of mothafucking tranny. I wasn't even being political. That's the state we live in these days, where you can't even have a fucking opinion that isn't approved by some obese male, wearing an 18 yr old girl's thong.
It reminds me of that shit.
They're both rerporting on the same story, just different aspects of it.
Blacks have some diplomatic-immunity, coz they can get away with saying 'common-sense', I can't. I'd lose my account instantly if I ever posted anything political, coz I get instantly banned when I say shit that's not political at all. When I bring up the same points that those dudes do, I'm instantly banned & labeled as transphobic like what just happened at the Wrestlefag forum. I'm like mothafucka I don't care what you like, but you're still sticking ur dick up some dude's dirty ass.
Look at how I sick I got just from eating & digesting food that was smeared by some workers' (male or female) finger that they previously shoved up their ass. (It's how the norovirus is usually transmitted, ASS to MOUTH & I haven't fucked a bitch in half a decade so I know it's from that damn Safeway chicken.)
How could anyone think that sticking ur sasauge up a booty hole were a good idea when you get instantly sick with bugs growing inside you just from anal to oral, regardless of how it got there? (In my case, safeway-prepared food.)
It's fucking crazy to me how the entirety of society purposely wants you to be sick & on meds. I got fucked up by vitamin water (gave me food poisoning.) & ill-prepared chicken (gave me norovirus on the same day.) so even when you go to great lengths to not be by pozzed by it all, you still get pozzed anyway.