Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet
Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 8:33 pm
Well that makes sense. Nearly everyone who had a business is bankrupted by now due to the lockdown. If I weren't bumming off of my parents, I know I'd be mad fucked by this stupid lockdown bullshit.
My pops is still getting paid the same exact salary he always has, but with far less work days. The benefits of being a fucking Fed. He even speaks a lot like Ghost in the Shell when you get him going about politics.
He's one of those classical conservatives who doesn't want to see anyone die at all. (Ironic how in Murica, people think Conservatives are Nazis when in practically every Non-White country, Conservative usually functions like a Liberal.)
I have a far more progressive stance (Actual meaning of Progressive. Not that weird garbage that Americans came up with.) in that I think the ends justify the means, and I think people should be allowed to gamble with their lives and go back to work. You'll either die from starvation or Corona, It's your choice.
Pussy faggot, you've been saying the same shit at the corona thread. It don't sound like no joke to me.Well I was obviously making a joke there,
I am trying to be funny when I claim that Christfags don't believe in Evolution, but I'm also stating the truth. That a lot of them really don't believe it and they'll get offended as fuck if you directly tell them that intelligent design is bullshit. I don't believe everything was random but I also find it less believable that an Old White guy in the sky meticulously created everything but didn't even bother to show up to take claim for it. Whites love taking credit over everyones' inventions. Look at how nearly everything that we use in the modern world was created by Nikola Tesla (He's the wrong type of White. Not an Anglo, nor Nordic.), but we conveniently act as though he didn't exist, lol.
I actually agree with you in regards to actual loveless, unfuckable Neets that part of the reason why they're so insane is coz they're in the house 24/7.
I was just interested in the mindset of how someone becomes cuhrayyyzzee. It doesn't faze me at all. Back then, my Internet life & real life used to be exactly the same, with everyone kissing muh ass & sukking muh dik. These days it's only real life people that continue to kiss up to me & treat me like a king, with practically everyone Online doing nothing but insult me. Telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about & that I'm a retarded incel or something, lol.
That's only Internet though. That's part of the reason why I hang out so much in Online video games, coz in the Online Pvp & Co-op world, people are still kissing my ass due to how much ass I kick at those types of games. It's also how I increase my friend list so fast without adding anyone first.
I get a lot of insults too, but it's funny coz I'm always trolling & griefing everybody but I'm also regularly in the top 3 VIP of the match ,lol.
The direct link so you could actually see my score, and how much I fucking murdered everyone in Free For All in a shitty Call of Duty wannabe, Warface. ... D69-C2.jpg
Look at the number of my headshots mang! That's why I laugh at Pc Masterrace fags for claiming that you need a mouse & keyboard in order to git gud at FPS. I'm like, speak for yourself nerd. I do just fine with a controller. Hell even in Paladins, I find that it's the PS4 teams who are impossible to kill. I can deal with PC fags just fine though. You all die fast when I shoot you in the head.
So you're constantly trolled with "U Mad Bro? killed you" or "You've been slain by OkBoomer." over & over lel. I even troll the shit out of fools in Splatoon 2. I jump in the air and start teabagging and I lol nonstop when they finally kill me and they start doing their stupid squidbagging dance too, only to see them get shot dead by one of my teammates during the death cam, LOL!
When I'm insulted in an online game it's usually the griefed saying shit like "Stop teabaging me bish! LOL!"
They actually wrote the "LOL!" in their message that shows up in the public warface lobby lel!
Since my name is U Mad Bro? I just reply to muh haters wit "U Mad Bro?" LOL! It's such a perfect motherfucking screen name, for trolling.
I wish I could change my Warface name to some variation of Covid. I got several Switch peeps who already use that as their current Switch name. We trolls/Griefers do this type of shit coz of the funny death messages you get in MP games. "You were killed by Covid19"
It's nothing like Internet, on internet, people legit hate me & call me all of these names that are intended to hurt my feelings but it just confuses me instead. They just called me a 'virgin'? WHAT? The only reason why I even mention it, is coz I'm confused as hell by why actual nerdy looking trans-virgin nerds, are labeling me as the incel.
Oh no, I said motherfucking. Trannnies hate it when I say BIAAATCHHH & Motherrfuckka.
It's why I'm kinda thinking of getting a TikTok (with a fake name) though. It's basically like twitter but with 15 sec vids. I think my internet speech comes off way better when you actually see me speak & hear how fucking deep my voice is. A lot of these internet insults I hear about me, they only work if you assume that I'm a generic neckbearded White guy with one random Asian grandma, lol.
Not some Manly exotic Latin Middle-Eastern looking Azn dude who dresses, acts & speaks like a gangsta pimp, & actually comes off as authentic.
Do people say that? They get called Progressive, but that refers to their identity politics. What's ironic is that Cuckman chased out Amy Henniq, an actual Woman coz she thought the focus on idpol was way too forced and actually trivializes the diversity of the cast by turning them into tokens.I remember hearing of ND employees getting fucked by the company some time ago.
It's hilarious because their products are obviously meant to make them look like liberal progressive, but their company structure is clearly ultra capitalist in the sense that they will fuck the worker at any possible turn LOL! It really shines a light on how superficial the american understanding of politics is. They will frame ND as a "socialist" company just for showing a few lesbians, even though the behaviour of the rapresentatives and owners is not socialist at all.
There's a lot of rumors that Cuckman only does this shit to impress Anita Sarkeesian lol!
Who's Jewwing who? She jewwed, an actual Jew LOL!
Did I say or imply any of that? If there's a better way to tell the 'grandiose' story of blowing up a little girl's eye, then do tell. I think it's just a tryhard scenario that wouldn't work in any context unless it were trying to portray Abby as the villain. Nope, it's Ellie who's the villain, the one who got her ass kicked LOL!The craft in that regard would be the writing. I guess most people believe that all you need to be a writer is an idea and a piece of paper to write it on.
If that were true I'd be starving, because I've been making a living as a ghost writer again during the lockdown (for a youtube reject lol).
There is a level of expertise that you need in writing even basic storytelling which is mostly missing from videogame writers.
I used to say that they needed to hire actual writers, but at this point hollywood writers are just as bad as videogame writers lol. Most hollywood movie plots make no fucking sense anymore. The writers of the new star wars movies are so fucking stupid, their movies get retconned by comics and novels because they inadvertedly do shit like having cousins tongue one other because they forgot they were cousins LOL
When you reread what I said, I claim that better penmanship wouldn't make that scene any better. The CG & direction are already well-crafted as is. That's part of what makes Ellie's eye blowing up so jarring. They actually hired a team of animators, to render all of this shit. All just to make a subversive statement, "sometimes wahmen r physically stronger than men. We prove it by showing her kill an old man and beat the shit out of a little girl.