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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by CENSORED »

I wouldn't say it's anywhere near as bad as Game of Thrones mostly because the scope of the vampire politics is much smaller. GoT was an adaptation of a book series that dealt with geopolitics, written by people who only understood maybe 20% of the source material and then translated in a script that conveyed maybe 10% of what they understood lol. Hence why everyone was so fucking confused when the character that was written as a female self insert for powerful feminists suddenly turned evil.
I personally really enjoy the show for what it is, though I'm not trying to pass it off as some masterpiece. The Alucard storyline for season 3 was pretty boring (he doesen't actually get raped though lol. He is in a threesome with a couple of twins who then turn on him.) and there's some other flaws here and there I could nitpick but I watched the whole thing twice and I was pretty entertained. I feel the climax of season 2 where the trio storms the castle wouldn't have been as good without all the build up.

I would agree though that there's not much more to be done with the castlevania brand. I replay the games yearly and I have fun with that. Have you been keeping up with the Bloodstained games? Curse of the Moon was very good for what it was. I wouldn't say it's as good as the classics, but much better than we get nowadays. I haven't played CotM2 yet. Ritual of the Night was all right but nothing really groundbreaking.
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by redrum »

Xed51 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:25 pm Have you been keeping up with the Bloodstained games? Curse of the Moon was very good for what it was. I wouldn't say it's as good as the classics, but much better than we get nowadays. I haven't played CotM2 yet. Ritual of the Night was all right but nothing really groundbreaking.
i started playing them when i got back, pretty impressed with what came out, though it's not without it's flaws.

shanoa jr's crusade against rampant religion is interesting, but too many systems going on at once for me. while it's a nice solid contribution to the SEARCH ACTION genre, it doesn't have much replayability. once i bulldogged my way to 100% and maxed everything out, there was just nothing to do. new game plus? harder difficulty ng+?
it's certainly no SOTN, but then again not much really is. the characters were forgettable, the story was bland, but that's not really what i'm playing it for...
zangetsu mode was more up my alley than anything the main quest offered. just straight up fighting and platforming with a few bells & whistles.

curse of the moon was fantastic, people say it plays in the fashion of CV3 or the first TMNT game,
but these are people who never played wai wai world.
wai wai world/konami world similarities
- rescue characters to add to your team? check.
- switch who you play as on the fly? got it.
- assorted upgrades to pick up through the game? of course.
- team up against OP final boss? absolutely.

it seems they took the template from the 1988 famicom game and smoothed it out a whole lot, which is good.
wai wai world was even multi-player, which made this a logical next step for curse of the moon.

just started the second game a few days ago, so won't spoil it for you, but just know this -
- there's multiple episodes
- two player drop in/out (!)
- much more impressive & challenging boss fights

that's all i can really say without giving anything away, except that you need to play it at some point.
i'll just leave this here, next to a nice screenshot of two player mode...
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by CENSORED »

shanoa jr's crusade against rampant religion is interesting, but too many systems going on at once for me. while it's a nice solid contribution to the SEARCH ACTION genre, it doesn't have much replayability. once i bulldogged my way to 100% and maxed everything out, there was just nothing to do.
Yeah I had some fun with RotN but in the end it is what it is, a higher budget version of a sorrow game with shards replacing souls. I can't say I cared that much about the food stuff or the crafting in general. (I 100% old metroidvania games quite often and that's always down to item collecting, the worst thing you have to do is farm a specific enemy to get their drop, rather than farming them to get a tiny bit of a speck of an item that when you get a hundred of them allows you to maybe get a fraction of a stronger item lol.)
I really don't understand why everyone seems to be in love with this idea of crafting in single player games. It always bogs down to some monster hunter style gameplay loop where you fight the same enemies a billion times. Still it wasn't unpleasant but I was a lot more impressed with Curse of the Moon. Hell I noticed the wai wai world similarities as well, I had no idea anyone remembered those games lol.
I think I found out about them in 2012 or 2013 from some youtuber, who subsequently killed himself and was outed as a groomer posthumously
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by redrum »

Xed51 wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:51 am I can't say I cared that much about the food stuff or the crafting in general. (I 100% old metroidvania games quite often and that's always down to item collecting, the worst thing you have to do is farm a specific enemy to get their drop, rather than farming them to get a tiny bit of a speck of an item that when you get a hundred of them allows you to maybe get a fraction of a stronger item lol.)
I really don't understand why everyone seems to be in love with this idea of crafting in single player games. It always bogs down to some monster hunter style gameplay loop where you fight the same enemies a billion times.
yeah, i play these games the same way. some sort of OCD therapy, i suppose. you're absolutely right about the crafting, it was pointless garbage and made everything in the game grind to an absolute halt. but people like us, we *have* to do it anyway, for some absurd sadistic completionist reason. perhaps they could make it less of a damned chore in the future, but i doubt they will. it's a way of artificially extending the gameplay, iga is a notorious shitlord about doing things like that. the pointless winding hallways in harmony of dissonance was an equally cheap way of going about the same result.
some games yield good crops from the endless farming, a lot of the weapon drops in symphony of the night were uniquely bad ass and actually made you want to play the game more, rather than just having to play it more to fill all of those ????? slots with a bunch of crap that operates the same with slightly different stats.
i get that they were experimenting with a new formula back then and found what "works", but the day that they stop trying new things is the day we quit buying them.
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by Jack »

So how true is this statement?
I recall the game having a batshit insane ending but
I don't really want to waste my time on it since I just got done watching all 4 seasons of One Piece on Netflix, and now I'm watching the rest of the series through 9anime.

I was actually 17 (Same age as Luffy pre timeskip.) back when the show started, but I never bothered to watch it until now at 37.
Goddamn it has the best damn story telling, setting, world & characters I've ever seen from any media. I sure as hell ain't never seen a video game that's anywhere near One Piece's level. Xenoblade is prob an example of some of the best writing that I've seen from a game, and XB's writing is complete shit when compared to what I'm seeing from One Piece and I've only saw 155 episodes so far.
Jack wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:13 pm Name me one thing that Iga has done, that was just as bad as that?
never forget
I wasn't being metaphorical. Alucard actually did get raped in that stupid ass netflix cartoon. I don't see how that game raped his character when he's most likely depicted as even more powerful than he normally is since it's a fighting game. Alucard actually getting fucked in the ass by a brother & sister is just really fucking stupid. Alucard is supposed to be a practical god, not a whiny crybaby emo faggot who is sad coz he has no friends.
and with that, i think we all can fully appreciate that this series has suffered enough.
it's been a good dog, but it's time to put it down. go get my gun.

the destruction of konami has had many casualties,
Not really. Konami makes way more money now. It's funny how Nintendo's Smash Bros depiction of Castlevania is much more faithful than anything you're ever going to see in the present or future.
It's kinda like how everyone assumes that Sega is dead when they're still billionaires and still the 5th richest game company overall after Soyny, Microshit, Nintendo, EA games & Activision/Blizzard.

I'm a Ninja Gaiden guy so I don't really care that much coz muh series died ever since shitty ass Dark Souls games took over the action genre. Dork Souls isn't even real action. Team Ninja only makes Nioh games now, which is supposed to be the Ninja Gaiden replacement (they even take place in the same universe.) but Nioh is just another SoulsLike. A soulslike that's actually better than Souls (Nioh is like a modern Bushido Blade, and even has the multiple stances.), but doesn't get as much respect coz Soulsfags are Storyfags, which is weird coz Souls has no story, lol!

Like you, I grew on fast arcady games that took skills to beat like CV or NG.
We're old fucks now, and we're getting replaced by losers who can't handle fastpaced action games, lol.

I sure don't like being categorized as an old fuck th0ugh, considering how I still look like a 23 year old, lol.
Shit I've been fooling around with faceapp lateley, and wanking off to the girl versions of me, coz me as a girl looks really fucking hot, lol! Most people just look like ugly 2 out of 10 trannies. Xed is one of the only dudes that I did a faceapp genderbender of who actually came off looking like a 6 out of 10 chick, lol. Which is fairly high when compared to the avg.

Oh yeah and btw, I don't give a shit about "The Messenger". I don't think that game is anything like Ninja Gaiden at all. That's just typical hipster shit that just makes fun of the original games. The only hipster shit I like is Streets of Rage 4. Why does everything have to go through that hipster geek filter though? I've been playing this game called "The Takeover" which actually looks & feels like a real sequel to Streets of Rage trilogy, but the gameplay isn't as good.

Streets of rage trilogy looked had a dystopian cyberpunk setting with cyborgs, but Streets of Rage 4 reinterprets the cyborgs as cartoony.
I don't understand that shit, why does everything sci-fi from the 80s & 90s get reimagined as cartoony nerdy bullshit when we have actual creepy looking androids & robots now?
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by CENSORED »

I don't have time to make a full post but no the dragon's dogshit anime is, as I so cleverly implied in my quirky joke, complete dogshit
It has none of the weird shit from the game, the plot is shit, the dialog is shit, the action is shit and the CGI is shit
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by redrum »

Jack wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:33 amI wasn't being metaphorical. Alucard actually did get raped in that stupid ass netflix cartoon. I don't see how that game raped his character when he's most likely depicted as even more powerful than he normally is since it's a fighting game. Alucard actually getting fucked in the ass by a brother & sister is just really fucking stupid. Alucard is supposed to be a practical god, not a whiny crybaby emo faggot who is sad coz he has no friends.
something like that just wouldn't happen to the bad ass lugosi-type alucard from CV3 Image
when they changed his design to the lestat/bishounen version in sotn, it started slowly heading down this path...
so i'm really not surprised. the fact that they implemented it in a "TV series" is weird, though, rather than some backwater internet hentai board.

i'm not watching season three. people keep trying to convince me otherwise,
but they are deluded fans who are unwilling to ram a stake into the gaping asshole of this decayed corpse of a series.

i kind of feel that way about silent hill...
Jack wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:33 am Like you, I grew on fast arcady games that took skills to beat like CV or NG.
We're old fucks now, and we're getting replaced by losers who can't handle fastpaced action games, lol.

you probably wanna check this out, then. kind of a fan game, but very authentic to the original.
there are some added things - item crashes, drop kicks, stage expansion...
this guy did a pretty good job of sticking to the core of what the original ninja gaiden consists of.

free download on this dude's shitty wix site, plays solid on PC.
he did a few others that are up there, too. the CV2 version is particularly good.
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by CENSORED »

holy shit that's ed the gaming rapist
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by Jaladen »

tbh, Netflixvania having fagshit in it is no surprise considering the showrunners are edgelord fedora tipping leftoids (with one of them going out in a public with a shirt crying about how brown he is) and well, it's Netflix. Warren Ellis alone is known by everyone familiar with his past work as a fat fedoralord.

And eh, the show's only really gets praised in shitholes like reddit and by the intelligentsia for the anti-Catholic bits and the edge (pointless bar fight, "ugh humans are scum also giggle giggle i'm so quirky" you see from the likes of Undertale fans). Frankly, I say that if anything it takes itself too seriously since the games were always wacky with stuff like fighting ninja maids.
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Re: Castlevania season 3 coming out on March the 3rd

Post by Jack »

Season 4 was actually good. Season 3 was bad enough to kill the show, but Season 4 picks up right where season 1 left off, with action in most of the episodes. It also ends in a way, where you could logically continue the series with Rondo & SOTN. Season 4 was the final season, but I'm assuming that they could just start a new Rondo show, and I honestly wouldn't mind it so long as the pacing stays similar to season 4, which seemed to have zero filler.
If an episode didn't move the story forward, it's usually due to how it had a lot of action.
  • Season 1 felt like a 2 hour movie that was cut in to 4 or 5 episodes.

    Season 2 was Animu Game of Thrones, which sadly, the following seasons didn't live up to the promise at all.

    Season 3 felt like shitty fan fiction with teh gay buttsex rape & Hector being completely emasculated. I did like Trevor & Sypha's plot, but it had nothing to do with the overall story at all. It just felt like some edgy side-story from The Witcher 3.

    Season 4 feels as if season 3 never happened. Trevor & Sypha are stuck in an endless cycle of killing human-cultists who worship Death, to prevent them from reviving Dracula. Alucard receives a message of distress from a half eaten man, so he decides to aid them, in what feels like a typical zombie horde movie, but with demons. I liked it though, except for the random doggo being eaten by monsters. Lotta people die, but that's what made Alucard's story fun. It was a monster horde movie, but with Alucard as one of the survivors.
    Hector is redeemed in season 4.
    You finally get closure on Issac & Carmila's story arcs, but neither of the two ever lead back to the main trio, so it's kinda disappointing. Only reason why I accept it, is coz Carmilla & Issac have the epic bloodbath to the death against each other, that I was expecting the main-trio to have against them.
I was going to spoil the entire season, the same way I did with season 3, but I think S4 is actually worth watching.
I think it's the best of the 4 seasons coz it's nearly non-stop action. It's kinda wtf though coz wtf was the point of Season 3? Season 3 wasted all of this time on Carmilla's crew, when she gets taken down in one episode, lol.
To be fair, that one episode felt like a capstone episode that ends the entire season. That's the most disappointing part about Castlevania, the Issac story arc & the Carmila story arc that was being built up from Season 2 & 3, eventually collide with each other in season 4, and ends both of their story arcs in that single episode. It was a damn good episode though and Issac & Carmilla have the most badass battle in the season.
Mainly coz they're evenly matched. Most of the other battles are one sided, and Trevor's final battle is one-sided against him.

So much build up for Issac, and it feels kinda wasted, but they went in a different direction with the plot, to the point that there would be no reason for Issac to fight Alucard, Belmont & Sypha. Speaking of which, Grant Dynasty finally shows up as a hot brown chick, named Greta Dinesti, and she's Alucard's love interest. At least she's not a gay guy or a tranny, lol. Shit, if you skipped season 3, you'd never guess that any of that dumb shit from season 3 ever happened. Season 3 is completely pointless. That entire season could've been done in one episode. The entire Carmila & Issac story arc ended in one episode, lol.
Lenore got taken as a bride/slave by Hector. During the epilogue episode, she wished to see the Sun, and well you know what happens when a Vamp sees the sun. Issac doesn't even show up in the epilogue, lol. You'd be thinking that a character as important as him would've shown up in the finale. This is why I think he was meant to die as Drac's most loyal servant, instead of Issac turning into Animu-Morgan who just hijacks the main character role of every show he's in, lol.

I've said nothing about the actual plot, since Carmila's story is really just tying up loose-ends from season 2 & 3.
The actual plot is about an alchemist (same guy from season 3) who resurrects Dracula to see his love again.
Everything makes sense by episode 9, although its disappointing how Issac & Carmila turned out to be a waste of time since neither of the two ever cross paths with Trevor, Alucard & Sypha.
Alucard helps protect villagers by allowing them to stay at his castle, where they're invaded by armies of monsters. Season 4 revolves around Alucard, Greta Dinesti, Sypha & Trevor, but you don't need to know anything about what happened in the first 3 seasons, lol. Sypha & Trevor's story was a repeat of season 1, but with an even more retarded town. Alucard's story is what season 3's should've been. Minus the Issac episodes, season 3 was nothing but filler.

I'm guessing that Issac was such a pet-project for the writers, that they didn't want to kill him off by being the main bad guy of the show, so he's written like some kind of zen-wanderer like Morgan from Walking Dead, where he feels like he's the main character of his own show, but he's hijacking the show that you're currently watching.
You don't even see or even hear about Issac any more after the Carmilla battle, which is proof to me that Carmila & Issac's stories weren't meant to end in a single episode, trying to kill each other.
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