In 1983 Harry Horse wrote a poem covering the whole history of mankind from its genesis by the hands of an alien race from the fallen 10th Planet of the Solar System, to its coming apocalypse - and, in between, the total war for truth being fought behind the veil. Perhaps for a greater exposure, Harry credited his poem to 19th century poet Richard Horne (which was also Harry Horse's real name), but this "forgery" was discovered and the poem was forgotten. Around 1993 Harry Horse played Myst, and found in videogames, at last, the perfect platform for his epic tale - leading to the creation of Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages.
For what is worth, the game is still a poem - full of rhyme, symbols and music. The game is linear, but it advances not through a narrative logic, but more of a lyrical one. Things tie into one another not by cause-and-effect but by mental association. Places are multiple places at once, people are multiple people at once. Harry Horse relates us about his vision about the secret history of humanity through superposing voices and sources and ideas. The game is bizarre, ambiguous, and at parts incomprehensible - but never nonsensical.
You play as a "Chosen", assigned a number, a symbol and an animal depending on your name, and are asked to venture into four different realms in search of four different relics: the Holy Grail, the Rod of Osiris, the Philosopher Stone and the Ark of the Covenant. These realms are not concrete places: while the four of them are very different from the rest in style, we should think of them more as "psychic realms" (as the trailer says), or layers of reality. In them different places and times amalgamate into one: for example Chesed, the second realm, is Teotihuacan and the Bermuda triangle at once. Time, as well, is simultaneous. On the words, in-game, of Albert Einstein: "The passing of time is an illusion. In reality, the past, the present and the future are one" - indeed, you meet Albert Einstein, in the same realm as you get acquaintance with the reality of the tale of King Arthur.
You meet several characters: some historical figures, some mythological ones, some purely symbolic, and the borders between these are hard to define - again, multiple characters are the same character at once. But could you trust any of them? Many characters are portrayed in dyads, from Kether and Malkuth to Einstein and Newton to Crowley and Jung. And none of them tell the full truth: it could be because they are limited to their own ignorance, because they want to keep you from finding the truth, because they want to manipulate you into doing something, or because you fail to understand them. Everyone contradicts the other. Even the many "documents" that are there to read are dependent in a certain point of view, those who wrote it (like MJ12) are limited both by their narrow vision and their wider agenda - even the established truths you find out will be put into question as you go further.
I don't wanna do much analysis in this post, which I might do later: I just wanted to talk about this game. If it interests you, the game is now abandonware and easy to find. You can find more art by Harry in here: . I purposefully avoided to talk about Harry's later life and tragic death, because it has already attracted too much morbid interest.
Drowned God is now one of my favorite works of art of all time. I love this game, and I hope you can love it too.
In the manual, which is very worth reading as it contains a lot of context for many things in-game (like a diary written by the game's protagonist) as well as some of Harry's own drawings, there's a glossary of terms, places and figures brought up in Drowned God.
An interesting page in the manual immediately after it is a directory of UFO Contact Groups. I think Harry Horse's wanted the game to be "expanded" outside of it; there used to be, or at least it was intended, to include an in-game web browser that you could use to check on related websites. But this is now removed or broken.
I came across this game (and what happened with Harry Horse later on, of course) a year or two ago as well and it's certainly an unique piece of media for sure. It's a shame that conspiracies or occult and esoteric themes are used rarely in any meaningful way or it's always extremely shallow and superficial if it's actually in a bigger part. Back in the 90s they were basically a mainstream thing so you could make games like these just fine, but I guess companies are afraid of being called nazis or whatever nonsense if they even remotely touch something that could be connected to something "sketchy". Anyway, with Harry you can definitely tell he was all in with all this stuff and it certainly feels like a labour of love rather than anything else.
That said, I haven't finished the game myself yet, though I gave it a try some time ago. Voice acting with no subtitles, drowning in the background music was a nuisance, but not a dealbreaker by any means. I read that there's one puzzle in the game that has its answer actually wrong, so it's a shame you basically have to look up a guide at least once during your playthrough. In any case, I should get back to it and finish it, since like said, it's certainly an unique experience.
An ad for Drowned God in Computer Gaming World #148. Notice the contest to win a trip to visit Roswell - unfortunately, the website doesn't seem to have been archived.
I remember when it was an obscure /x/core game. I looked it up, read about the fate of the dev, his plans for continuing the game series and shit like that. Then some e-celeb faggot made a video about it and I fucking cried from how normalfag tier his opinion was, not to mention all these theories how he was deranged and killed himself and his family and shit like that because he was a drug addicted fuck and whatnot.
As for the game itself, I think it's still unique in terms how esoteric the shit is and how it combines all that stuff in it. Definitely top tier /x/core game of all time.
This, along with Cosmology of Kyoto are one of my favourite adv games.
player1 wrote: ↑Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:49 pm
I remember when it was an obscure /x/core game. I looked it up, read about the fate of the dev, his plans for continuing the game series and shit like that. Then some e-celeb faggot made a video about it and I fucking cried from how normalfag tier his opinion was, not to mention all these theories how he was deranged and killed himself and his family and shit like that because he was a drug addicted fuck and whatnot.
As for the game itself, I think it's still unique in terms how esoteric the shit is and how it combines all that stuff in it. Definitely top tier /x/core game of all time.
This, along with Cosmology of Kyoto are one of my favourite adv games.
I hate how the most of the little attention that game has received has been through spooky youtube channels like Mexpo - whose video has over three million views, yet I doubt anyone has seen it and actually played the game afterward. Even the ones that do play it, out of some morbid curiosity, end up talking about it as this "schizo artifact" they can pretend interest in. Drowned God definitively deserves a better audience
Here's a some important information about the the manuscripts straight from the horse's mouth. :lol:
Page 4 is the most interesting. Henry Horse didn't know of the other Richard Horne when he was making the manuscripts and that Horne was making forgeries in his time as well. /iiam
Here's Kax text convos I had over the phone. Since this motherfucker keeps saying that he'll start posting here again once he opens a new account but then never does. I'm just gonna start posting some of the crazy ass shit he says, a lot of it is pretty interesting. I wish I had the convo saved where he claimed that Ayys are an incomplete creation of God. I don't agree with that, but it was interesting. To me, it just sounded like he was describing the 8th Sphere when he mentions them as incomplete creations. That's why I don't completely discount him. He says a lot of shit, where it's clear to me that he's being directly messaged from someone or something from the other side or outside of this realm, because he'll coherently explain a lot of concepts that he's not even aware of but what he describes sounds exactly like shit that's been documented for centuries, but been forcibly forgotten.
He's a believer of Ayys. I'm not. I think so-called aliens are just terrestrial, as in they're from Earth. We only have evidence of one highly advanced civilized society that has ever existed within this alleged universe, Earth human civilization. All of this space crap is nothing but Boomer fairy tales, and it's disappointing that Millennials also believe in it like a religion. I do agree that Harry's death is suspicious. It reminds me of the hit that Eddie Murphy did on some troon. When you read the report, the cause of death sounded so nonsensical. The fucking troon was locked out of the house so the fucktard climbed up the window and fell. Yeah that sure sounds likely. What's far more plausible is getting pushed out of a window.
I'm Pimp Lord, Kax is the big Afro dude.
Kax text
Pimp Lord
Republicans love illegals because they hire them for 1 cent.
Democrats love to hire illegals for shit jobs like janitor.
It's fukkin hilarious that Illegal Latinx ended up voting for Trump
when he's just going to deport them lol.
Even gen z males voted Trump. A lot of lefties are mad that zoomers
aren't as gay as millennials, who are the only age group that voted
leftward in higher numbers than the 2020 erection.
Thousands of illegal kids deteined by ice
They went missing
It's official because was in their official website
They traffic them underground supposedly
Most of them calling Latinos traitors for voting for trump
don't want to admit it their party trafficking
They dropped cases for Trump
Pimp Lord
Lol those Trump cases were so retarded.
He got convicted for alleged rape, whatee we vet the hell
that means. Then there's the other case where he's guilty of keeping top sekrit
documents that he was allowed to hold on to until they legally changed the definition
of the crime so he could be retroactively incriminated for fed crimes.
Rnc n dnc both traffick although I guess rnc is more
involved with the drug trade that they conceal through war.
Next day:
Something came to attack me last night
I just went to sleep but (sleeping face emoticon) f
They grabbed my bb00t
I kicked them then wake up
Then after waking
My brain was in high tense alert.
That shit was in the room
Then horrible bloody images began appearing in my mind
(Laughing smiley face emoji)
It didn't want me to sleep
Pimp Lord
That shit used to happen to me in Japan and it'd speak in nip
with a sexy female voice. Don't know y it's happening to you.
You ain't even atheist. It happens to atheists all the time coz
they're retards who think that their minds are playing tricks on them
so they go to the doctors to get even more medicated and asleep lol
fuckin dumb wage slaves
(Instagram link to a classic gaming rom site.)
There are good websites where you can play tons of classic video games
Pimp Lord
Lol wot a noob. He mistook Diddy for Donkey Kong. I use cdromance n nextgenroms
(Huge laughing face emoji)
This nerds just pretend to be gamers for clout
Since I was a kid weird stuff happened to me
As kid one time power went off, it was small so it
happens went raining hard lol
So it was night and power went off, that probably is at a
corner in town but it was like the corner property and
another add on
On the add on it was the kitchen, lot, bedroom, at corner one
was a another bedroom
So went power went off to went
from kitten to corner bedroom
Then I saw it was many faces
Or eyes
Looking at me
I was traumatized
Lol I never cared about dark but after that so insecure
After at my teen years I was being rebel as there is not good and Contradicting my family
Then I saw a golden hand touching my left knee
Pimp Lord
It always shocks me that I know way more about vidya gaems than these ugly nerds do. What golden hand?
Yeah golden
So after that I saw some orbs
taking me to the closet at night
I didn't follow it
Then I saw myselfs head as I was in a capsule
But I never saw the the capsule
I saw myself in conrecte as I was going to school in the dream
I thought that my mind was mixing the scenes but I looked at my
head as in a standing state head on the sidewalk of school
It was around same time , not same day or week
Now I was investigating about UFOs that's how they operate
with the orbs.
But when I saw myself at a pause state I always relate it to cloning
Pimp Lord
The forum has an occult section where you can post ur dreams.
It's dead as fuck coz it sux. I still haven't poasted yet.
Orbs r ghosts. Ghost, alien, cryptid, they're all the same thing
just semantics, different name but orbs have always been ghosts.
Different colored orbs represent a different type of Casper
Thing is that I don't know what they did to me
I got into depression
Then it was like a part of my soul left me
One day at school a girl was calling me
At daylight at high school
Her voice came from up or was maybe just at my head
Weird shit bro as mk ultra
Or maybe some deceased one saying bye
Weird shit
Pimp Lord
I think it's demons that are anal probing fools lol.
Even during the Joe Rogan podcast Trump implicated that the aliens r
most likely inter dimensional which implies more of a spiritual origin
That more I look into it are different races
Like r3ptoids reign here
in USA
It was just r3ptoids different sides Dems or reptoids
I thought Elon was a cyborg but he is a reptoid
I can't see them some people are able to by seeing their aura
Note: Aura is actually their etheric body. Too bad I didn't really notice or pay attention
to what he said at the time because I always shut my brain off when Kax starts talking about stupid alien shit.
Pimp Lord
Pelosi claims to be like a reptillian
Weird choice of words, she's said it multiple times.
Who knows what she really means
There is a race call Luciferian
Pimp Lord
Elon ain't no reptoid, he's an underworld breakaway aryan ayyy alien thing.
Maybe I don't know but I know
he tweeted he isn't human
There is the chlthu race too
As the cover of Diablo IV that is luciferian
Pimp Lord
You said that before but wehre you hear that? Cthulhu is made up and the vid
you showed me wasn't speaking about a literal Cthulhu. Aryans have advanced tech.
All of our space tech is based off of funny mustache man's army. The German Vril society
and the Japanese Green Dragon society used to conduct occult research with each other during ww2.
LOL DIablo 4 is based off of Christard shit. The girl on the cover is Lilith not lucifer.
If anything Elon would most likely be lucifer. Lucifer ain't a fucking devil thing.
He's an adrogynous man.
I meant there is a race called Luciferians
(ROFL emoji)
Pimp Lord
It's not a race, it's a bloodline
Pimp Lord
WTF is it with this goddamn Cthulhu shit? Have you ever read the short story?
You sound confused about Cthulhu n the one vid you showed me didn't literally mean Cthulhu.
He used Cthulhu as a pop culture example of what they could make an AI god look like.
Send me vid
I am lost lol
Pimp Lord
You're the one who sent the vid
I sent many vids lol
Pimp Lord
It was a vid of some nerd talking bout ai gods and he mentioned Cthulhu.
You thought he was being literal when he was just naming examples from fiction.
I have never heard of this real race of Cthulhu that you speak of.
I know about the novels but that's is just a reference
Just as reptoid shape shift
This other race can shape shift into other races
Pimp Lord
A moment ago you were talking bout a Cthulhu race lol
THen u mention some crap bout a lucifer alien race. It all sounds like
Christian bullshit to me because they believe in a lot of nonsense that they don't
really understand.
They're not races it's just etheric shapes that are represented as alien (alien, meaning foreign)
life forms.
There's a thing called Lucifer bloodline (directly related to Lucifer) and the Kennedys are one of them.
Lucifer is also a metaphor for knowledge similar to how Sophia is a metaphor for wisdom.
Baphomet is both of them combined, knowledge & wisdom.
Chrstians r so fucking retarded and just call it evil. They're literally saying that Knowledge and Wisdom is evil lol
By it I meant Baphomet
I think it's a matter of time
From now till 10 years
There is Anton Parks he talks about insectoids, reptoids
He never saw cthulhus
Pimp Lord
Lol boomers have been waiting for ayys their entire lives
since the 1940s and the fucking aliens never showed up, because they don't exist.
It's made up fantasy for braindead adults like Boomers & Millennials.
The most plausible explanation is that alien is code speak for breakaway Nazi civilization.
The actual demonic creatures that are called aliens are inter dimensional. The USA military even calls them UAP
Unidentified anomaly phenomena, which is more accurate to what 'aliens' are.
It's just a collective consciousness given a human like shape.
So-called aliens even identify themselves as being more Mind or psychic spiritual consciousness rather than a physical
shape of flesh and bone. This is why humans can't fight them. They're not even physically here. It's just a thought
consciousness like a jinn or tulpa but it's called an alien.
Tule society more like Cthulhu society lol
Pimp Lord
Thule is more like warhammer 40k space Nazis.
Pimp Lord
Lol stupid new age bullshit.
Durp "Annunaki are all around us" Annunaki were just bearded White guys.
Nearly everything that they show you on tv about ayys is fucking fake n gay.
(broken youtube link)
Some one uploaded the Jenna Ortega beetle juice movie.
Watch it beofre it gets taken down.
Chosen ones got beating in holland
Sencond vid I sent you lol
I was on twitter Ryan posting that stuff
then I shared it
I was like wtf who they killed?
Pimp Lord
I only saw two vids. U posted the new age one twice.
Watch the Jenna movie mang! Bitch foine!
New movie or og?
(twitter link to Kikels stripping a palestinian man and whipping his ass with his own belt.)
Pimp Lord
Jenna wasn't even alive back then lol
Chosen ones do much worse to little brown kids.
Shit they do worse to American CIA. It's really shocking just how intimidated everyone is by mossad
coz their military fucking sux.
Moss@d members were there too so means they got beaten too
Pimp Lord
I forgot dat modern cia are a bunch of dei hires so it makes sense that they get intimidated
by a bunch of chosens who are used to bullying kids around.
Nick Fuentes doxxed at his house
Pimp Lord:
Spic Fuentes is a faggot.
I don't understand why Zoomers & younger Millennials love him so much.
Everything he does, everything he believes in, is so fucking retarded.
Muh "Catholic Monarchy". The irony is that JD Vance actually is a monarchist
but of the Nick Land philosophy.
Libturds are correct to fear Vance but it's annoying that useless fucks like John Doyle
and Nick Fuentes try to larp as monarchists when in reality they're just wannabe theocrats
trying hard to revive a dead religion that only 3rd worlders believe in.
Alex Jones state secretary?
Pimp Lord:
I thought it was gay boy Marco Rubio.
Pimp Lord:
Zionist occupied government.
Honestly I prefer it over George Soro's & Obama's troon Open Society.
(He posted an instagram vid about Project Leviathan super soldiers.)
Pimp Lord:
LOL what super soldiers? USA military is currently filled with pussies.
All I care about now is that Trump somehow gets rid
of the entire Soros Obama Open Society operation.
If we're stuck with Zionists then so be it.
Early2000s was pure Zion rule and it wasn't so bad at all
so long as you were American.
(Pimp Lord posts link of Kristi Noem getting a position in Trump's administration.)
Pimp Lord:
LOL Trump's new homeland security of
Did you vote? I didn't. Glad I didn't but I'm also glad Kameltoe isn't potus.
I never voted.
Years ago I came to the concusion that I'm giving power to them.
Is like I'm giving them free will.
Suhpah Soldiers
In conspiracy they talk about a government in the shadows.
You never looked into Max Spiers?
He always talked about the shadow gov.
Then died supposedly they killed him with a black goo.
It was interesting listening to him as he pointed out
how USA military was infiltrated by Satanists
In one interview, he has an astral attack
He said they don't let any religion there just Satanism is allowed.
He gave important names and reliable if you look up those names
I was raised by a commie uncle lol
Living in the USA I learned that commies suck lol
That Suphah soldiers vid I sent is interesting
how Alexa is talking about aliens.
Pimp Lord:
So much for free will. When u don't vote, they just do
what they were gonna do anyway lol.
Free will my ass. There is no freedumb.
Only thing u could brag about is whatever the potus does,
u can't be blamed for it coz neither of us voted lol.
That too
Pimp Lord:
Bruh what do you think shadow government means?
It's just a 5th column. There's more than one.
The one that's currently in power is Soro's Open Society.
The one that's just been voted in is Dark Enlightenment.
Don't believe everything that you read about Max.
They always fill it with alienn bullshit. Why do u believe
aliens so much? It's a psy op to conceal Nazi advanced tech.
Nobody ever claimed to see Ayys until the 1940s.
The ww2 nazi era.
They weren't seeing aiens, it was just White guys lol.
Even the ancient Sumerians described Annunaki as tall
white skinned blue eyed people.
Pimp Lord:
Satanism is just Progressive Liberalism.
It's not an actual occult cult.
It's just typical bullshit label granted to them
by stupid Christian midwits.
Christians call everything they don't understand as
"Satan" or the devil.
Imo he most likely meant Jewish instead of Satan
because Satanism is fake.
Satanism is just progressives for the most part.
Even Lavey and Aleister Crowley admitted that they
just pretend to do scary ritual sacrifices crap, because
they think it's funny how Christians get scared over the
random crap that they (Lavey & Crowley) made up.
Luciferian is a real cult but it's the worship of
Prometheus. One of the figures that Jesus was based off of.
Pimp Lord:
Alexa says plenty of things.
It even said that Kamala Harris is the potus.
Alexa is a program, not a sentient intelligence.
It only tells you what u want to hear.
Lol auto correct said that Alexa is a demon
when I wrote, that it's a program.
side note not part of the phone texts:
Crowley did summon & consult with demons. It's what eventually made him go crazy.
I'm just saying that he faked a lot of the controversies surrounding Thelema because he
viewed Christians screeching about him, as free advertising. It's a Trump tactic.
Trump even looks like Crowley.
Next day
(Posts meme pic of satanist)
Max Spiers never talked about aliens
It was all about military
I never heard about Aquino until Max talked about him
Pimp Lord:
His "satanism" is just progressive Liberalism.
Read his actual ideals, it's the same exact platform as progressives.
Satanism is about extreme equaity, freedom & individualism.
The avg Ameritard is a satanist, they just call themselves Liberal or Progressive.
You're getting the Paradise Lost fictional Lucifer character confused with the biblical adversary.
It looks like Max is confused too.
Kay Griggs has the most correct take, she claimed that the military is led by German Existentialism.
I mistyped. I meant that German existentialism is a more accurate description of "Satanism".
You gotta avoid using dumb Christian words because it makes the people who use it look ignorant
due to their pattern of demonizing everything that isn't from the bible. Despite how damn near everything
from the battle was originally pagan, or what they would label as satanic.
Basically those satanists that max spoke of practice rugged individualism.
Which sounds good but unrestrained individualism is what leads to troonery and the other
crazy shit pushed by the Open Society.
Pimp Lord:
I told you that a few days ago that Nancy describes herself as reptilian. Whatever that means.
Reptilian is an etheric body. It's a reflection of aura.
What you think as retired officials exposing aliens?
As John Lear saying there are aliens living on the moon?
There was other one talking about it.
I can't find his videos.
Note: I thought Kax was talking about the recent Lauren Boebert
congress ufo meeting. Not that it changes anything I said since modern ayyy
mythology is much more complex than Lear's era since they're finally
combining the spiritual with alleged ayy tech.
Pimp Lord:
Lol this shit again? Yes I've seen the hearings, they confirm 2 things.
The existence of unindentified flying objects which can easily be dismissed as military black projects,
and 2. They were forced to change the definition of living organism because they (science clergy) believed
that you needed oxygen to live.
These entities don't require oxygen at all.
They're implying that foreign creatures are inter-dimensional.
What does inter-dimensional mean?
It's another word for spiritual as in it's an ethereal phenomenon.
This is what I mean when I say that they're demons.
The problem is you don't understand what "alien" means.
You think alien refers to space creature. Alien is a catch-all term that refers
to anyone of foreign origin.
This is why Mexican beaners hopping over the border are called illegal aliens.
Even Gigi Young refers to ayys as just a higher inter-dimensional consciousness
rather than as a materialistic physical being.
Btw we should take this talk to the forums since their occult section seems to
believe in ayys like you do. I'll try to finally poast tomorrow. I visited the
forum for the first time in nearly 3 years, a few days ago.
(Previously I only saw the occult board over a year ago coz it was linked to me. Was not amused.)
Looks really boring without our input.
I believe everything is spawned from the mind and God The All creator is consciousness.
All that exists are self-replicating emanations of God.
Planets & civilizations are Aeons of a united conciousness & culture between man & woman
Culture is the egregore of memes & genes of the Aeon. The deep black space are the unknown
beyond human comprehension since they are unknown, they take no shape and consume all living
beings from Earth who try to venture through it.
I try to see reality from the forgotten or hidden aspect of science, the ether aka radiant energy.
You have this inconsistent mishmash of Shamanistic, Christian & Heliocentric beliefs that you seem to switch between.
The way you apply them is not really a syncretic belief system since you have to outright ignore the contradictions of
the philosophies to make it make sense with each other.
It's more that you're adopting Western occidental mindsets & trying to work it with your shamanistic belief system.
I learn a lot from you when you use use your shaman doctrine but you seem to just pick and choose when it comes to
Western spiritual philosophies.
If the government talks about it.
Just means they want to control the narrative.
Pimp Lord:
Yes exactly, they want you looking at the sky for non existent aliens.
Look into the history of alien sightings.
It didn't start until world war 2.
Ayy tech is just Nazi tech
"Aliens" is just some dumb Boomer shit.
A myth that should die with them but Millennials are the
new 30 yr old Boomers who are just as easily misled.
Pimp Lord:
It's not saying anything about aliens. Saturn refers to Chronos. Hilariously that y yen
looking sign is a Nazi symbol. The cover looks more like symbolism for war or world war 3
with the Chinese economy crashing.
Like 13 years ago in Balboa Park, I saw a fleet.
It was like 3 or 5 of them.
It's weird because they look like light orange red
So I told people in the park
When they looked up they were gone
No one believed me
So weird
From cover illuminati eye look as an Asian eye lol
I've never seen anyone talked about that UFO colors lol
Pimp Lord:
Yes I don't see how that disproves that it's nazi tech from an underground break away civilization.
UFO doesn't automatically mean alien.
Stealth Bomber is basically alien teck aka knotsees.
The economist cover has the jabs lol. Hope it's referring to 2020 vaxes.
We gotta post this shit at the forums. What we're saying is way more
interesting than whatever is posted there now.
Are you good with Xed now?
Pimp Lord:
Fuk if I know? Who fukkin cares
You posted something?
Send link.
Pimp Lord:
I saw a SMT thread that's dated from last year that
looks like I could've greatly contributed to.
Ironically it seems the topic poster learned bout the site
from me, but I don't remember coz it was last year.
No I didn't post yet.
They got a section for Miku Hoshino, that's an invitation to post ur whores lol
(Laughing crying emoticon) LOL!
Pimp Lord:
I was expecting u to talk bout Saturnian cults based off dat cover which yes
I do believe it is referencing Satanism lol.
The economist cover
I've seen that.
Pimp Lord:
Yeah ur the one who just sent me the pic of the cover lol
Pleadians religion
Saturn is on top is the top one
Satanism is just a branch
As if you become a freemason they just hide truth
From you but on top all worship Saturn set Satan
Maxwell talks how Yoda is a being from freemasonry
He was a deep researcher into it.
There was Corey woods, he talked about it too
Is gone and blacklisted from YouTube
None of his videos are there.
Pimp Lord:
Jordan Maxwell, now that's a guy who knows his shit.
He's actually referring to how the entire world is bound by corporate contracts,
hidden contracts and agreements
Freemasons were created shortly after the Israel exodus when it was renamed to Palestine
The 13 ancient degrees are from the bible
You have a link to forum?
Years ago was easy to find
Pimp Lord:
You mean Corey Goode, the Eisenhower Muh Galactic Federation guy.
He's complete bullshit. This is exactly what I mean.
You don't have a coherent enough world view.
You jump from Jordan Maxwell who's one of the most well read to Corey Goode
who spreadsa lot of bullshit about imaginary alien races shaped after animals
and how we have plenty of space guns pointed at planet Earth at all times lol.
Jordan actually talks about how the world functions & is governed through ancient traditions.
Corey goose is just a dude who makes up a bunch of random 1970s era alien bullshit.
I've seen Above Majestic and several of his films, it's all bunk.
Yes goode
Pimp Lord:
K7 sin forum is the same address it was years ago.
I couldn't fucking find it either it on one of the
opening pages where u hear jap bitches singing and you
have to find it through the body of text. Don't know why it's
navigation button.
Don't know why it's not a navigation button.
So you know about Steven Greer?
Pimp Lord:
I'm subbed to that guy. I don't remember why though.
No I didn't sub him for his dumb ufo shit but he does have insights.
Inoki Stomps Fools! Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night. CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
Greetings everyone , last Night was hella weird I kept on waking Up as for instance from this reality to another reality but it kept on going for a while that in another reality i was ready to beat somebody Up or anyone i could find , I even saw one of my other lives . Is like an onion it got so many layers.