The Man, the Myth.. The Missing? Q spoke to me, "Mr. TD is trapped in the Black Lodge. You must Kill the Past to free him."

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F.S.R. - Lost in Translation

Post by Deep »

I went over Japanese script and compared it with English DS version. It’s worse than English TSC, but not to the extreme. As I said that before, English TSC is 90% fine, only 10% are off. Here English FSR is about 70% fine, and 30% are nonsense. As I go along, you’ll see why I nitpick stuff. I’ll provide all proof you need, and if you don’t like my examples of translation, you can always do it yourself as you must in every case of a doubt. I played FSR many times over the years and when game flows a lot of stuff go over my head, since English is my 2nd language, so I don’t notice some things just because. General outline I can summarize these 30% that I’ll put here are straight mistakes, mishaps on pronouns, made up stuff, lost TSC connections and pop culture references. But amount should not be the factor as such, but importance of what actually is wrong, changed, etc. Oh, and not forget Mister Pirate. Poor poor Mister Pirate. Let's be malding over 25 yo game, 10 people care about. I bet TD knew all that way back. Oh well, you can't bring back the dead.


Structure is simple:

Japanese line,
English line,
DS line,
my comments if needed.

Mistakes: about 70. Made-up: about 30. TSC stuff: 3. Over 100 lines I didn’t like in DS version (and all of Mister Pirates ones as well, ALL of em). There are a bunch more with not clear translation, but only these 100 caught my eye.

Mister Pirate:

You might notice that English Mister Pirate is vague and convoluted. Well, that’s because shit is made up that way. In Japanese he does speak in tough terms to comprehend, but overall theme is that he wants to El find his fighting spirit again. That’s it. Simple phrases turned into nonsense for no reason whatsoever.

Sumio Talks to Mister Pirate On The Roof:

PIRATE 感謝するよ ムフフフ・・・
PIRATE 早速 話を聞こうじゃないか

PIRATE Thank you for coming.
PIRATE I'm grateful, mu fu fu fu....
PIRATE Let's get right to it, shall we?

PIRATE Arrr, there ye be, laddie.
PIRATE Thank ye for haulin’ ye anchor up here, arrrrr.
PIRATE Let’s hear what’s knottin’ ye rigging, then.

Yar-yar-eat-a-dick-har-har. Why what that important? Makes zero sense. This is just one simple example. And Mister Pirate is muffled like that completely. Poor bastard.

General Mistakes:

SUMIO 愛車に名前をつけるのはヤンキーかオレだけだ
SUMIO There are two types of people who name their cars: yankees and me.
SUMIO Those of us who name our cars, well, we’re a select bunch.

Maybe calling americans = yankees is too offensive. Warcrime, no less.

PETER ピーター・ボックウィンクルだ
PETER Peter Bockwinkel.
PETER Peter Bocchwinkur.

Reference to a real wrestler.

SUMIO いい身分だな・・・
SUMIO How noble of you...
SUMIO Wish I could say the same…

PETER まあ 見てくれ・・・
PETER Well, look...
PETER Hear me out…

Peter tells Sumio to look at the gates.

SUMIO The Edo period?
SUMIO Edo…? Don’t you mean Ed?

When Sumio and Peter ride on the truck to the hotel, Peter asks if Sumio knows who Edo is. Sumio answered as Edo? Which is name of City of Edo (Tokyo) from Edo period, on which Peter makes a funny comment that Sumio has wrong kanji. It’s not super important and adaptation is good (from Edo to Ed), but joke is lost.

EDO 時間を失っているのです
EDO We're losing time.
EDO Time is lost.

This is FSR-themed vagueness. Take it or leave it.

SUMIO ご丁寧にどうも・・・
SUMIO Thank you for your kindness...
SUMIO Thanks for the wake up call…

SUMIO ゆとりのない男だ
SUMIO This man doesn't like to waste any time whatsoever.
SUMIO He needs to learn about personal time.

SUE 霊媒師のファントム・シスターです
SUE This is Phantom Sister, she is a psychic medium.
SUE Miss Sister Phantom. She’s a Spiritual Correspondent.

SUMIO 何だそりゃ?
SUMIO The hell is going on here?
SUMIO Sorry… do I know you?

When Sumio talks to Sister thru the wall.

SUE This is the forbidden room.
SUE That room is a Sealed Space.

Google up pictures of 開かずの間.

SUE 悪霊が降りてきた!!
SUE The evil spirit has descended!!!
SUE The demon is among us!

Sue screaming nonsense regardless.

SUMIO 勘違いしてるな・・・
SUMIO You've got it all wrong...
SUMIO Don’t get excited now…

Sumio talks about that he put guidebook in Catherine.

SUE サービスショットがあるかもしれませんよ
SUE you may find fan service in there.
SUE You may catch a glimpse of something very special!

Fan service must be offensive term.

SUMIO 静まった・・・
SUMIO It's quiet now...
SUMIO That’s it…

After Sumio gets back to his normal room.

P.SISTER ワタシは年上よ?
P.SISTER I'm older than you, remember?
P.SISTER Have you no respect for women? Or my powers?

No comment.

SUMIO 猫舌なんでね ちょうどいい
SUMIO I have a cat tongue. It's fine.
SUMIO That suits me just fine.

Google up "cat tongue", if you're curious. Note, that it doesn't really change anything, but nuance is lost here. Common theme across whole game.

SUMIO ヤツがうるさいからそろそろフロントへ行くか・・・
SUMIO This dude being quite annoying, so I think I'll go to the front desk soon...
SUMIO He is my client, anyway. I’d better get down to the lobby…

Can’t badmouth Edo I guess.

STEPHAN すべての道は必ずしもローマに通じずってわけだな
STEPHAN All roads do not necessarily lead to Rome.
STEPHAN All roads lead to Rome, after all.

HANAYAMA ワンダーボーイのドリブルに萌え萌えよ
HANAYAMA Wonderkid' dribbling makes me wet...
HANAYAMA Their dribbling makes me dribble!

She talks about Michael Owen here, but reference is lost due to not everyone being a fucking football madman. Wonderkid, or wonderboy is just what it is - talented young player.

EDO カルチョ――
EDO つまりイタリアサッカーで使われる言葉です
EDO Calcio,
EDO a term that's used in Italian football

EDO As you may have guessed…

This one is weird, because it’s brought up when Edo explains to Sumio football stuff. However, it’s not connected to anything and have no purpose in the story whatsoever. And Calcio is just football in Italian, so I’ve no idea why it was left in the game in the first place.

SUMIO アルベルト・フェッランテだ
SUMIO Alberto Ferrante.
SUMIO Alberto Ferrente.

ラ ra, not re.

EDO ところが エル様のファイトがあまりに不甲斐なく――
EDO However, Mr. Crusher's fight was so disappointing,
EDO But, the master did not appreciate Mr. Crasher’s style in the ring…

SUMIO ただならぬ気配がするが・・・
SUMIO I have a feeling that something's not right here...
SUMIO I sense a powerful presence…

SUMIO 強烈な連中に出くわした
SUMIO I've ran into some strong people.
SUMIO So, I met two very… interesting characters yesterday.

ROCK “銀の銃弾”を英訳してください
ROCK Please translate “silver bullets” into English.
ROCK We aren’t talking real weaponry here, Mr. Mondo.

Okay, dismiss actual translation, because it’s a wordplay in Maria chapter. Game has bunch of English-kana words instead of typical Japanese kanji for them (Searcher (Seechaa), but Sagashiya, etc). They had nothing better than just to come up with some obnoxiously obvious explanation. Stuff like that doesn’t make sense in English, because, well, read outloud the 2nd line in this example.

MARIA 夏・・・
MARIA Summer...
MARIA August…

My guess that is was changed because same wordplay in motion as described above.

STEPHAN 1をフラグに見立てて誰がそう名付けたのか・・・
STEPHAN The one who named it that, thinking that number 1 looks like a flag?
STEPHAN Who was it who saw the first flag, I wonder, and named it so?

There is a running theme with flags being a game-term for objectives.

SUMIO わがままなマリア様だ
SUMIO Lady Maria is so selfish!
SUMIO Maria is totally crazy.

SONNY “ケロケロフロッグ”かわいい名前だろ?
SONNY “Kero Kero Frog.” Isn't that a cute name?
SONNY They’re called “Croak-Croak Frog”. A little cute for my taste.

So, is it cute or too cute? Huh.

SUMIO これは嫌がらせか?
SUMIO Is this some sort of harassment?
SUMIO I hope someone is having fun with all this.

SUMIO 年会費100万のエステサロンの会員――
SUMIO signed for a beauty salon with a fee of 1 million yen per year,
SUMIO Or when I bought $5000 worth of girl scout cookies…

It’s not a mistake per se, just a lost in translation stuff.

SUMIO 死んでほしいのはオマエの方だ
SUMIO You're the bastard who needs to die.
SUMIO More like you want her to die!

Completely different meaning.

PDA カントナ>3分前 ギリギリガールズだよ
PDA CANTONA> 3 minutes left, giri giri girls
PDA 3 more minutes. Time is almost up!

Giri Giri Girls is near-JAV pop-music band in Japan in 90s. Why is it mentioned in the game in the first place? Mystery indeed.

EDO ★難しい英単語ばかり何かとても複雑なお仕事をしてらっしゃるのですね
EDO He has a very complicated job with all those difficult English words.

There is no mention of English words on DS version. Edo talks about Stephan.

EL バミューダパンツをはいた小さなミクロキッズだ
EL Honey, I shrunk the kids in their bermuda shorts.
EL An itsy bitsy teeny weeny little kid, wearing Bermuda shorts.

"Macro Kids" its name of "Honey, I shrunk the kids" movie in Japan. Joke lost in translation.

SHOTARO 捕まえてみろ! カバン持ち!
SHOTARO Catch me! Case Holder!
SHOTARO Catch me if you can! Suit-face!

Suit-face is fine term, but across whole game Shotaro calls Sumio "black suit". Joke removed here.

SHOTARO 吠えヅラかかしてやる!
SHOTARO I'll show you my fighting face!
SHOTARO I’m not through with you!

Shotaro talks to Toriko about 喧嘩面.

SUMIO そうだとも男にも色々いるんだ
SUMIO Yes, but there are different kinds of men.
SUMIO Of course. I think you’ve found a good man to marry.

SUMIO ああ クソガキにも言われたよ
SUMIO Yeah, that's what the little shit told me.
SUMIO Yeah, I’ve heard that before.

Shotaro is little shit (kusogaki). You can also re-iterate kusogaki as damn brat, or cheeky kid. I find little shit to be more a little bit more pissed-off version, which blend really well with cheerful music in this chapter.

YUURI そうだよ明るく生きなきゃソンだもん
YUURI That's right, if you don't live a cheerful life, you're a dead man.
YUURI That’s right. You have to live happy or you’re wasting your life!

Maybe too scary, so it was changed.

EDO ★ユウリさんのウエディングドレスの後ろで 黒子をしておりました
EDO ★I was the one behind Yuuri's dress.
EDO I help up the train on yuuri’s wedding dress.

They also completely dropped Kuroko reference here as well. For obvious reasons.

SUMIO オマエ息子へのプレゼントっだって・・・
SUMIO You said it was a present for the son...
SUMIO That’s what you wanted me to find, right?

It's about Kai's lighter.

EDO ★留学先はまだ休みではないはずです
EDO ★The school isn't on holidays yet.

This line is missing from DS. It’s about Step being overseas.

SUMIO オレは預かり屋じゃなくて探し屋なんだ
SUMIO I'm not a keeper, I'm a searcher.
SUMIO That’s a little vague! Besides, I’m a searcher…

SUE 間抜けだからですよ
SUE Because you're an idiot.
SUE You’ve got the wrong end of the stick, Mr. Mondo.

KOSHIMIZU Shaved head...
KOSHIMIZU With like… a Mohawk.

Totally the same thing, right.

KOSHIMIZU What did you say?
KOSHIMIZU I’ve never been much of a fisherman.

Original dialogue goes like that:

REMY テロリストを炙り出しましょう
REMY アブリだすのよ

Lost in translation stuff. Japanese wordplay.

REMY やはりね・・・
REMY I knew it...
REMY I didn’t think so.

REMY やはり アナタもそうなのね
REMY I knew it. You're one of them.
REMY Unfortunately…

Remy implies that Sumio is one of Eleven children. Whole dialogue in mishaps.

TAKAOKA ミポリンだかカレリンだか知らんがチミの大切なモノだろう?
TAKAOKA I don't know if it's Miporin or Karelin, but it's something precious to ya, isn't it?
TAKAOKA Cathy or Chrissy or whatever you call it, it’s yours, right?

Sumio goes to pick up Catherine, Takaoka talks nonsense as usual, but he mentioned Miporin (Japanese actress Miho Nakayama) and Karelin (soviet wrestler Alexander Karelin). All three names end on RIN, KATHA-RIN, MIPO-RIN, KARE-RIN. So this is where “funny” meaning coming from. I fail to find any deeper meaning in this line.

TAKAOKA 早く行け!この先にあるある大辞典!
TAKAOKA Hurry and go! Great Dictionary lies ahead!
TAKAOKA Go! Go and get it!

Takaoka makes a joke about Catherine.

SUMIO 輝いているな・・・
SUMIO It's glorious...
SUMIO You’re shining, Ken.

Sumio talks about bicycle or Ken? Who knows.

TAKAOKA 本当にノータリンミンメイだな
TAKAOKA You're really a brainless minmay.
TAKAOKA You really are a dumb-dumb.

Takaoka goes on about Minmay from Macross.

SCARECROW モンドはゲンナリした!
SCARECROW Mondo was frustrated!
SCARECROW Mondo’s stamina is low!

SUMIO こんなヤツばかりだ
SUMIO People like that are morons.
SUMIO You and everyone else here, buddy.

Sumio talks about people, who threw away their past.

TOKIO He told me to take his sunglasses.
TOKIO But I realized, the man wanted me to succeed him.

SUMIO 頑張れ ブンヤ
SUMIO Good luck, paperboy.
SUMIO Hang in there, Bunya.

Everyone knows what Bunya is, right...

ROCK 出番も少ないし・・・
ROCK I don't have a lot of screen time...
ROCK I’ve hardly had anything to do until now, after all.

Not a mistake, but nuance is lost again.

SUMIO 爆弾まで
SUMIO To the bomb.
SUMIO An explosion.

Where are you going? An explosion. Wonderful dialogue.

TORIKO 人に紛れて人を殺める――
TORIKO Blending in with the crowd and killing people
TORIKO To move among humans, and then kill them.

Purpose of Kamui. Move among humans is a very choppy way of saying that…

SUMIO 誰がボクを?
SUMIO From who?
SUMIO So who will release me?

This is some FSR-vagueness going on right here. I’m not very confident about what’s going on here.

TORIKO パパの仲間よ救世主が現れる瞬間よ
TORIKO This is the moment when my father's friends will come and rescue you.
TORIKO A friend of my father’s. This is the moment the saviour appears.

Same as above.

PETER その写真はオラが捨てたシスターは オラが雇った
PETER I threw it away, I was the one that hired her.
PETER I’ve got that photo. I hired Sister, after all.

This one is so also strange, they are talking about Phantom Sister and photo (photos) she was developing (like its 1980s) on the island (I guess).

PETER 己だよ スミオ
PETER It's me, Sumio!
PETER It’s you, Sumio.

Kusabi tells Sumio that he is Kusabi. Completely wrong.

Made up stuff:

SUMIO トイレに急いでいるからではない
SUMIO not because I need to use the bathroom.
SUMIO Not desperate for the can, OK?

Added pun for toilet for no reason.

PETER 仕事が済んだら楽園の感想を聞かせてくれ
PETER Let me know what you think of paradise when you're done.
PETER Once you’re finished, I’d like to hear your thought about Eden.

I guess it’s a Christian translation, since all heavens and paradise are turned into Eden here all throughout the game.

ROCK いらっしゃいませ
ROCK Welcome!
ROCK Welcome to the Flower, Sun and Rain.

It’s not wrong, but not necessary.

SUMIO ありがとう 助かるよ
SUMIO Thank you. That's very helpful.
SUMIO Thanks. Looks like required reading.

Edo gives Sumio guidebook. There is nothing said about reading.

EDO ★では フロントにてお待ちしております★
EDO ★We'll be waiting for you at the front desk★
EDO I shall be waiting with a smile at the Front Desk

Added smile.

SUMIOアンタ 何様のつもりなんだ
SUMIO Who do you think you are?
SUMIO Just what game do you think you are playing?!

It’s not necessarily wrong or bad, however it leads up into next Stephan' phrase about it’s being a game, so that’s why it’s in this made-up section.

HANAYAMA That attache case doesn't suit you.
HANAYAMA That briefcase doesn’t go with your outfit. Or with you.

Added outfit.

TORIKO Take good care of the Dragon.
TORIKO Look after CEO Dragon!

Hu dafaq is dragon anyways?

EDO ★抜群に素敵です
EDO ★Exceptionally beautiful.
EDO What a hunger for life!

SUMIO これは習慣でね
SUMIO That's just a habit of mine.
SUMIO Work always comes first with me.

SUMIO バルボアブラザーズ・・・
SUMIO Balboa Brothers...
SUMIO Are you… boxers?

It’s good assumption, but Sumio never said that. So, why add that?

SUMIO 多彩だね
SUMIO That's a variety.
SUMIO Nice to see you date a variety of men.

Sumio didn’t say that. Sumio talks about Yayoi' boyfriend.

SONNY 悪いクセで・・・
SONNY It's a bad habit…
SONNY I need a script for real life!

SONNY ミスターモンド!
SONNY Mister Mondo!
SONNY Mr. Mondo! Mondo-Rosso!

Funny joke no one asked for.

MATI ガイドブックに広告が載ってますよ
MATI There's an ad in the guidebook.
SUMIO It comes off when it reaches ten-thousand, then?

Added hint for dumbass gamers, who can’t think or open guidebook.

SUMIO 何だと?
SUMIO A what?
SUMIO What?! She’s dead?!

This is before Sumio realizes what is going on with poisoned Yayoi, so why add things that not yet happened in the game? Overly explaining stuff once again.

SUMIO ああ 調べさせてくれ
SUMIO Yeah, let me check it out.
SUMIO Now, search to your heart’s content.

Sumio searches for Shotaro in Yayoi’s room.

SUMIO 今度会ったらグーパンチの刑だ
SUMIO I'm going to punch you in the face.
SUMIO Next time I see him I’m gonna Chinese burn his arm off!

Sumio, that’s too brutal, even for you.

SUMIO まいったな お嬢ちゃん
SUMIO Oh, come on, miss.
SUMIO Why do people keep saying that to me…?

Yuuri asks Sumio for help.

KEN ああ この島の伝書屋だよ
KEN Yeah, I'm the postman on this island.
KEN That’s right. The lifeblood of the island.

TORIKO それじゃ よろしくね
TORIKO Well, nice to meet you.
TORIKO I hope you find her soon, then! Bye!

EDO ★まだまだこの先 走りますよ!
EDO ★ You're still running for the rest of your life!
EDO You’ll be running a lot more in upcoming chapters, too!

SUMIO 簡単には撤去できないだろうに・・・
SUMIO It wouldn't be easy to remove it...
SUMIO I can’t imagine that you’d miss it…

About car accident on the road.

SUMIO It is?
SUMIO Like what? Your insurance papers?

Sumio and Kai talk about lighter he lost.

SUMIO 親バカだ
SUMIO Parents are stupid.
SUMIO Hey, I remember! You don’t spend any time with him, do you?

Making stuff up to fill in the gaps.

SHOTARO 何やってたんだ ボンクラ!
SHOTARO What were you doing, you ditzy!
SHOTARO What were you doing, getting some cocktails in at the same time? Eh?!

Added cocktails for no reason.

REMY 決まったわ・・・
REMY I'm here...
REMY Perfect form…

When Remy drops into underground plant on Eleki.

EDO 長くなりますが よろしいですか?
EDO It's a long story, but would you be okay with that?
EDO That will take a while. Are you sure you want to miss breakfast again?

Edo doesn't mention breakfast at all.

SCARECROW モンドは散策情報を手に入れた!
SCARECROW Mondo got exploration data!
SCARECROW Mondo wins with a royal flush

Made-up shit.

SCARECROW モンドは経験値をたくさん手に入れた気がした!
SCARECROW Mondo felt like gaining a lot of EXP!
SCARECROW Mondo vomits blood and collapses!

I mean, who gives a shit about what Forrest Navigators are saying to you, but c’mon…

EDO 先進国首脳機関――
EDO Leaders' Organization of Advanced Countries
EDO The brainwashing facility of an advanced nation.

This refers to G8 (damn this game is old), however it’s game own thing, not a real one. Completely made up line.

STEPHAN 仕上げに母体を探し出せ
STEPHAN Find the Mother Bomb to finish up.
STEPHAN Locate the Mother Bomb for a perfect score.

What perfect score? It’s not a Pac-Man.


SUMIO “Isn’t it a bit low?”

PETER それより 5でどうだ?

Peter asks Sumio for 5 of something. In the end he as Kusabi will ask for his 50 000.

KUSABI 5万 払ってくれ
KUSABI Pay me my 5. 50 000!

The way numbers work in Asian countries are a bit different, so there is no coherent way to re-iterate this joke to the West people (unless there is of which I’m not aware of, so if you for some unknown to planet Earth reason know the way, please share in the comments below). Same goes for TSC Kamuidrome when Naka buys access for 15万 to the Bayan web-cam site.

SUMIO 仮に「テツゴロウ」だったらオレは仕事をしなくなるだろう?
SUMIO If it was “Tetsugoro,” I would no longer have a job, now would I?
SUMIO Better to work with Catherine, than with Bob.

In the actual phase he says Tetsugoro, which is double-funny due to Kusabi standing right in front of him. Joke got cut due to people were not aware of TSC before working on FSR translation.

SUMIO アカミミを頼む!
SUMIO Take care of Red!
SUMIO Let’s deal with this eye!

In the end of every mystery solving verse Sumio says “Take care of…” some thing he is working on at the moment. Tokio’s turtle is mentioned here.

Some may call out these nitpicks are being too much. Like, who cares? Take it or leave it, subtle meaning, clear as day references and points of interest being lost is not something I can overlook and dismiss. Even with vague game like FSR, which doesn’t even know what right or wrong itself. Have some respect!

There is also some 100 Kumite-style stuff that was left in Japan: Eleking, famous quotes, Comaneci, etc. BTW, this is not all mistakes, I bet there are bunch more, it’s just these were sticking out for me, so I made sure that they’re all fixed or at least have better understanding what being actually said, instead of making shit up on fly for no reason, yar-har-har.


One thing I’ve noticed when I went over game script, is amount of additional dialogue. As you know, you can talk to people usually 2 times in a row and they give you new information or repeat in short form previous dialogue. Well, there are few characters that will have something new to say every time you talk to them or if you talk to them multiple times in a row, like Shotaro and Edo. There are also dialogues from people you’re not supposed to talk to at that moment in the story. Like, if you don’t follow the story and just bother people all over the island and hotel. That’s was very interesting thing to find. Because most of youtube playthroughs of the game never get stuck and just speed-run through the game. Shotaro will tell more jokes if you try to run away from the ball or talk to him multiple times, in R-14 there is an option to never steal the bike and not get more of Ken’s dialogues, or steal it three times and get all of them. When trying to get to Mister Pirate, you can call Edo from El’s room or walk to the roof and talk to him directly for hints. So, something curious like that. Of course, they’re not super important to the story, but I like the fact that they even exist in the first place. Next time you play – try to talk to everyone multiple times out of story order, you’ll see what I mean.

Japanese DS manual has comments from developers about this version of the game. European DS manual lacking these comments.

Game was re-released 2 times on PS2 totaling 3 releases. They all have slightly different manuals. Here are differences I was able to notice:

- Introduction message from Edo is different from 1st release, various word changes, but nothing too drastic.
- Phone numbers, addresses and publishers’ info changed from Victor to Marvelious.
- 1st release has ad for T-shirts from bit TOURS merch store, which was shut down same month game released (what a joke).
- Screenshot with Catherine operations says “Are you sure?” instead of “Final Answer?”, seems like a beta-content.
- In-game screenshots all but one featuring black-n-white character profile pictures, seems like a beta-content.
- In those screenshots some dialogue lines are different from what in the final game, but meaning as a whole stays the same, for example in manual its says “なんだ” and in game its “何だ”.
- FSR Fan Book price went from 2000 Yen to 2286 Yen.
- 1st released featured OST CD water, but with no cover yet. They added final cover in 2nd release of the game.

Invitation Disc also features beta-screenshots with black-n-white character profile pictures.

Games featured in the manuals as ads:
パイロットになりう!2 2001 PS2
赤川次郎~夜想曲2 2001 PS
シルバー事件 1999 PS
パイロットになりう!2 The Best 2005 PS2
牧場物語3 ハートに火をつけて The Best 2004 PS2
赤川次郎 月の光~沈める鐘の殺人 Super Best Collection 2005 PS2
西風の狂詩曲~The Rhapsody of Zephyr~ Best Collection 2004 PS2
チュウリップ Best Collection 2006 PS2
いなか暮らし 南の島の物語 Best Collection 2003 PS2
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Re: F.S.R. - Lost in Translation

Post by redrum »

some interesting information here...

i've looked into translating FSR myself but after a lot of research, i regret to say and its unlikely to ever happen.

the reason is simple but frustrating as hell,
all the game's dialogue is stored not as text, but images. each character pulls from a graphical tileset.
i have no idea WHY they did it this way, but even if you found the space to redraw matching characters, you would still have to rewrite the structure they display in. truly a fucking shame, but maybe AI can do something with this in the future.
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