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Should I watch the twilight and moonlight syndrome translation videos

Post by victorcool23 »

I'm sure you get this a lot but I wanna get into the series and I wanna know if it's actually worth it to watch the translation videos or if I should just get directly into the silver case. I do think it's a bit akward to watch a yt video in stead of playing the actual game but I know it's the only way to experience it without knowing the language
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Re: Should I watch the twilight and moonlight syndrome translation videos

Post by Deep »

If you want, you can do MS, but that game is fucked up (maybe like Linda Cube?). TS 1 & 2 aren't that important to TSC.
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Re: Should I watch the twilight and moonlight syndrome translation videos

Post by AngelheadedHipster »

I think a translation patch for MS is supposed to come out not too far into the future. So you might try waiting for that.
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