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Windows 10 is DOG SHIT

Post by Rentago »

Look, I know some sweat lord is gonna tell me to get the penguin OS or something even worse. However my issue isn't that I am forced to use windows 10, it is that everyone isn't bothering to use the LTSC version of windows 10. Why the FUCK are some of you on windows 11? WHY are some of you just on regular garbage water 10.
You should all be at minimum using premium diamond filtered garbage water like me.
https://archive.org/details/windows-10- ... collection
oldfaggotnigger.png (1.37 MiB) Viewed 1940 times
See this shit? This shit exists cause when faggotshit 10 forced an update people's life support turned off in hospitals and military equipment was becoming bricked.
This exists because corporate jews and the (((government))) got the pliers out just for microsoft. It isn't anywhere near as good as windows 7, if you install windows 7 right now you can visibly see AND FEEL the difference between white hands typing code vs brown hands.
student-computer-class-handsome-indian-college-typing-31576212.jpg (57.41 KiB) Viewed 1941 times
Make no mistake, windows 8+ have been made purely by brown people on visas making code for near minimum wage. Infact minimum wage doesn't apply to people working on visas cause they are considered SUBHUMAN, so they don't require a minimum.

Don't give money to microniggers, but DO steal their products. Every time you steal their product THEY LOSE MONEY. They said it themselves! "If someone downloads bimbos10 without paying we get red money deposited into our accounts which is bad" - brown microsoft employee
redmoneybills-e1598157947722-600x400.jpg (102.44 KiB) Viewed 1941 times
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Re: Windows 10 is DOG SHIT

Post by cake »

insdall gendoo :DDDDDDDD
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Re: Windows 10 is DOG SHIT

Post by Marmalade »

ワン! ワン! ワン!
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Re: Windows 10 is DOG SHIT

Post by sudaca »

I agree they have nothing on Mac Sodoma
all my posts are ironic on an endless loop until I have the upper hand in the conversation
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