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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by DaRealEvilone »

Land of the free lmao
Just know how steal your money through taxes pffsrss

Seenz as someone cool to kick it wit lol

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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by Jack »

I had no electricy two days ago coz some phone line was blown up by accident by our local fireman which led to a power outage of an entire block. Funny how last year, our electrical tower was blown-up two times by Antifa during the 'mostly peaceful' riots, yet people around here still claim that Antifa is a superstition, an idea.
I've already posted pics at the Bullshit thread which showed that the earliest form of Antifa came from Germany during the early 1900s. It's the same fucking organization. Superstition my ass!

It allegely doesn't exist, even though you see them roaming around the highways all the time whining about ethnic oppression while they oppress actual ethnic minorities, AYY LMAO! I just fucking can't stand this dumbass country. The USA is worse than most Latin 3rd worlds imo.
At least in Latin countries, we'd be cutting up & burning these Insane 'Progressive' Zealots. Whereas in the USA, we call it a wild right wing conspiracy. Meanwhile I have to constantly hear about nonwhite people such as Samoans getting gunned down by skinny White faggot Antifa fags who hate all non Whites who don't conform with them!
I don't know but Duterte is forcing v@ccines
Bukele isn't forcing it but is pro v@ccines
Duterte is probably just doing that coz he's on his way out. He fought against it last year, and I know for a fact that in the Philipines, you can't just walk out & get the vaccine like you do here in the States. You have to actually pay for it, and the shots are expensive so most Failipinos can't afford the shots anyway, AYY LMAO!
That's why I laugh at Americans though, they're so fucking proud of their Vax shots that they believe that they got for free but at the same time they're complaining about how absurdly high the taxes have gotten under Biden.
Oh gee I wonder, the vaxs aren't free you American morons. You're paying for the vax through your taxes. Americans can't blame Biden for this shit, Americans did this to themselves, coz they're nothing but brainless cattle. ... our-death/
I'll eventually have to take it, coz you can't leave the USA without getting vaxed. My rational is, if that's what it takes to leave. So be it. If I die from it, who cares? At least I'll be dead among my own people. Rather than die in the USA where they'll make some kiddie porn strip club for trannies, over your ashes. LOL!

As I pointed out in the Bullshit thread, there was like only 5 leaders in the entire world who were anti vaccine, and every single one of them is dead now. 4 of the 5 were Black, and were assassinated by GLobalhomo(genization) HMMM What a cohencedence. Krizz was trying to denounce that, but I ignored it coz when it comes to politics, a lot of what he says is cosmopolitan. I mean no disrespect to him either, he had a good post at the Nintendo thread that I still haven't gotten around to responding to yet.

I'll elaborate more on the cosmopolitans when I get to it, coz you of all people are actually taking a cosmopolitan nerd (Kyle), seriously. Cosmopolitans are sheltered, once the power grid goes down. Where will they get their food & drink? Are they going to debate with farmers for food? The same farmers that they constantly make fun of label as "Rural & Suburban retards"? AYY LMAO!
Lol I've been saying it for long, and didn't miss it thanks to kyle
Trump was in their pocket too lol
Lol trump
Kyle doesn't know shit. Kyle actually thinks that Styxhexenhammer is a Nazi and he calls Ben Shapiro Far Right. Nazis are cleancut, tradionalists, Styx has way more in common with Kyle, mister Secular Reasoning than he does to the Nazis.
Styx's political foundations come off as Classical Liberal, just like Kyle. The differences is in their rhetoric. Styx generally likes Trump, Kyle does not. For some reason, the simple act of liking Trump turns you into a Far Right Nazi, when Trump is a Liberal just like the CLintons, LOL!

Ben Shapiro is Jewish. A Zionist Jew, but I don't see how that's Far Right when the American Right wing has always been Zionist.
Nobody has ever denied that Trump is zionist. I know I didn't, you can reread the threads. I simply don't give a shit coz I follow the Ryan Dawson reasoning of 'Take what you can get."
It doesn't matter if they're Zionist, when they're all Zionists. Even Ron Desantis is a Zionist.
Being a Zionist, is like whatever. it doesn't matter. Name me a single post WW2 potus who wasn't a Zionist.

The word Israel actually means "He Strives with God", and as we all know they named those clump of rocks after the same land as the one that was written of within the bible.
Israel is also a portmanteau of Isis, Ra & Elohim. I already explained that in the Bullshit thread how it refers to the main spiritual denominations of east & western regions of the world.
What's funny as fuck to me is how they just came to Palestine, evicted them out of their houses by force and created a country called Israel which is backed by both the Brits & the Americans. Americans will die for Israel, because they believe that they're preventing bible prophecy (which are bullshit btw) to pass.
At least under Trump, the American people and the non-Chinese region of Asia benefitted under Trump coz Trump was so concerned with projecting a strong America that doesn't need the EU. Which honestly they don't. Fuck the EU.

As for Kyle, he's just a typical American Cosmopolitan Liberal. That dude is so manicured & gay looking. Could you imagine him fight? Men who don't get their hands dirty, are men whom I do not trust.
He's one of those DEBATE ME BRO! TYPES! that I see from the American Liberals, which makes me laugh coz they act as if the entire world were a College University class. Let me see you try to debate The Taliban, they'll just kill you. Lets see this idiot debate with the Mexican Cartels, they'll throw you into a barrel and light it on fire.
People like Kyle are the weakest types who will backstab you during a life or death situation coz he's functionally a woman with a natural flight response, rather than that of a fighter. That's why his life is nothing but words & acting pompous.
Watch the Joe Rogan podcast during the 2020 election where he started pouting & annoying everyone on the podcast coz he wouldn't stop crying about Trump. (Rogan is not pro-Trump btw. He's just one of those Stoners who doesn't like authoritarians and he beleived and still believes that Biden is more authoritarian.)
I'd link to it, but it's not even on youtube any more. I thought it was funny how Joe Rogan treated Kyle like a chump co Kyle kept acting like a know it all, who knows everything about everything when he actually knows nothing.

You can't trust anyone who describes their reasoning as Secular, coz anyone with half a brain can easily surmise that Kyle came from a Christian nation, back when the USA was Christian and a lot of his fundamental beliefs & logic systems were shaped by a Christian inquiry, and search for truth. He calls this secular, because he thinks observing logic within the objective material world as the same as being divorced from religion. When anyone from a Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or hell even Pagan background could easily identify him as a Christian-styled rhetorican, despite his lack of faith in Christianity. You don't need to believe in Christianity, to act & think like one. The SJWs he hates, act like Evangelist Christians. He knows that, but he can't figure out that he's no different from an average American Right Wing Protestant.

Who does Kyle prefer? Tulsi Gabbard? Yeah she's ok but since she doesn't have the backing of any serious Jewish-funding, she'll never be anything but false hope. That's why I fucking hate American Liberals, they always push for people who have no realistic chance of affecting anything, all they care about is that the person says 'nice' things that they agree with.
Bernie Sanders? A jew, A Globalist Jew which is far worse than Zionists.
Zionists only give a shit about Israel, for better and for worse.
Globalists are much worse coz they're trying to culturally-colonize the entire planet into American style Progressive-Leftism.
Which is amusing coz the actual American Left is actually just a Corporatist NeoCon operation which served as a Zionist false-opposition faction via the House of Saud.

It's funny to me, coz American Liberals, they like to pretend that we could live in a society that's constantly pushing towards the stars so long as we rid the world of religion. Yet at the same flip of the coin, they've fostered a culture from the Left that calls itself progressivsm when it's actually nothing but superstitions of the 3rd world.
People like Bill Maher, Kulinski and the like are much more intelligent than the average American Liberal or Leftist but they're so caught up in their 'Liberal' labeling that they fail to see that an actual Liberal movement doesn't exist in the USA. Similar to how the USA doesn't have an actual Conservative movement.

The only two movements that the USA has are the Big Corporations party which are the American Republicans & Democrats. The other movement is a Libertarian Anti-Authoritarian faction which mostly consists of Liberals, Classical Liberals, Center Right & Constitutionalist Right wingers.
Both sides are fucking trash. The Big Corporations (Democrats & Republicans) have all the power.

The Rag Tag Libertarian factions just foster upon you false hope with nobodies like Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Dave Smith, etc. or complete dufuses like Trump.
Trump is an interesting one, coz he seems to be a malleable blimp. Rand Paul even admitted it during a Dave Rubin video, that Trump always goes with the policies of the person that he spoke with last.
That's why sometimes, Trump would come off as a Paleocon, coz those were the times where he recently did council with Rand Paul or Steve Bannon.
Nearly every other time he was seeking the council of the real acting President during Trump's only term, Bitch Mcconnel, LOL!

My point being, the American opposition, this loose-connection of Libertarians from both the American Left & Right, are not at all concerned with obtaining power. They all follow this stupid notion that you must participate in the culture wars and win over people through song & dance which is permeated through the culture.
That fucking idiot Tim Pool is always stating this. It's either a grift or that all of these ecelebs are honestly that damn clueless. (which includes YoungRippa, I don't want to include him coz he's more intelligent than most but he also says this dumb culture war bullshit.)

Why is fighting back through culture such a stupid notion you may ask? I'm of the firm belief that culture comes from the top down. While in the past I have said that the USA's culture is backwards in that the culture goes from the bottom up. Such as the SJW/LGBT nonsense.
What you have to ask is, how did it so easily take over the USA's governance if it were not already an approved idealogy from the top down?
I didn't know this last year, not until Biden became POTUS, that the entirety of the USA's top military brass are all trannies, AYY LMAO!

When you come at it from that angle, you piece together that it was a culturally mandated movement which has always came from the top, but they made themselves appear to be underdogs by using Trump as either a scapegoat or a trojan horse. I really don't know coz Trump did ban trannies from the military but Biden overruled that this year, so now I'm seeing trannies in the military bases. Which is fucking bizarre!

The TLDR: TIm Fool and Ecelebs are fucking morons who just want you to keep consuming their content, as some misguided means fighting back 'THE Establishment" through mass consumption of the 'culture' that ecelebs make. How the fuck do you fight back the establishment by watching Tim Fool's boring ass life? AYY LMAO!
Meanwhile the actual Establishment continues unimpeded because there has never been a time throughout history where tyrants were toppled without violence.
Morons ignorant of history like Dim Fool would quote Ghandi. He's also the same fucking idiot who didn't know what a Yin Yang was until I rudely explained to him during livechat what this ancient oriental concept actually referred to (That Half Korean gook Boy Dim Fool 'shockingly' didn't know, LOL!)
He thought it was about diametric forces, when it's more of a representation of wholistic consciousness. Japan appears wild & crazy to Occidental eyes, because Japan coexists with their mobsters, pornstars and the like, and they don't even shame them for it. Japs understand the balance of powers which needs to be maintained to keep the nation in a state of harmony.

The USA is in a constant state of disharmony coz everything the USA does is always far to the right or way too far to the left with no nuance, no in between. You are either with them, or against them. This was true during Bush, it's still true under Biden.

BTW how you liking Shin Megami Tensei V so far? Answer that in the Nintendo thread. Do you have the demon compendium book that came with the Premium edition? I want that fucking book. It's like a demon version of this hardcover book I have which tells you info about every biblical figure through alphabetical order.
Last edited by Jack on Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by Jack »

Bruh stop updating the Soyny thread unless it's specifically about Sony. FUCK SONY! I don't mind when you do it with Nintendo, coz Nintendo deserves the hits. Although the political bullshit does blend in more with Sony, coz Sony is a political actor these days & they side with insane trannies.

For the longest time, I always thought that Razor Ramon was Latin up until my late 20s when I started to ponder "Whatever happened to Razor Ramon?", lol.

He looks Latin. He's actually just a very large, Southern White guy. I wanted to be just like Razo when I was a kid in the 90s but he's like 3 times my size and prob 100 pounds heavier than me. I definitely speak like him. I say "Mang" & meng coz of him, except my voice is deep like Macho Mang.

Is transhumanism agenda

It seems there is an international mob
It just as sony main Japanese members were just replaced by foreign one that follow agenda
It's an international mob just as Disney is owned by china
It's multiple mobs. At least 1 for every two regional nations of the world.
What really perturbs I, is how Anti-woman these American faggots are.

That's the tranny from Last of Us 2.
It's bizarre to me, that Americans hate this obscure Anime trainstation mascot so much. LOL!

Americans even banned a Japanese woman from an Art Expo, because for some reason, the twitter cult won't allow women to do anything smut related in the USA. (If it's drawn.)

They do this to keep up this fantasy or propaganda, that only INCEL White supremacists are into sexy women.
That's why they make it really hard for me to have a public pressence, so they keep on lying about me being a White virgin or something. It's really bizarre to me coz ever since highschool or the one year I attended before dropping out, babes always wanted to fuck me coz they said that I look like some badass criminal human trafficker or arms dealer, AYY LMAO!
Only to find out on 2 decades later in the 2020s, that most people on the internet view me as a nerdy virgin. AYY LMAO! Ok whatever. It's that same magical thinking where they assume that they'll magically become a woman if everyone around them addresses them by female pronouns.

What's funny is that Japan has took notice of this, coz the Japs are getting bullied around by these White tranny motherfuckers, the same exact way as I haver.



They even point out the same shit that I've said, how these tranny faggots are racist as hell, and that they're erasing my ethnic identity by trying to label me as some white supremacist. For shit that has nothing to fucking do with white supremacy, lol. Since when was anime, White supremacist? GOddamn I fucking can't stand Americans. They're the most retarded people in the world.

Why do Americans hate sexy women so much?
Even Japan has took notice of how weird and cultlike modern Americans are.
Americans were always cult like, but the previous American-centric cult didn't hate Japan.

DaRealEvilone wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:05 pm I agree with you on so many levels
I think we all can agree when you aren't ranting lmao
You act as if you weren't the same faggot who kept praising His Holiness, Dr. Fauci.

You also kept trying to push that Corona paranoia on me when time after time, I kept telling you that the governments' reaction to corona is way worse than the actual virus itself, since it has a 99% survival rate.
Even a few other people around here kept trying to tell you what a corona actually is.
I'll just show you a picture.

That's how the USA manipulates your fear. They change the definition of words to force a reaction out of you which requires the government to step in with a solution that most of us didn't fucking ask for.
Shit they're currently doing it with vaccines. They try to rationalize this by calling it "Modernizing" the dictionary.
The reality is that they're turning the English language into malleable mush where the only option is to suck the Government's dick, or get assfucked by the State.
Remember "It's only 15 Days to slow the spread! Up to, Only 2 Legs to slowly spread!"

That's why I never fell for the corona scare. Ironically the virus that I caught last year, Norovirus, has now had its symptoms (back, abdomen pain, vomiting, a state of near paralysis, etc.) retroactively identified as Corona. It's funny as fuck how Covid-19 is being passed off as this super virus , which comically keeps mutating to have every single symptom that flus & common colds used to have.
SO in that sense, I did catch corona way back when it first started last March. What I found amusing was that the last time I went outside that year was during January coz I wasted the entire month of February inside, playing BOTW, Xenoblade 2 & Torna, yet I still caught that 'supervirus' some how.

My point? The lockdowns are meaningless, and was a power grab. I was saying that from the start and it's still true.
A lot of what I say gets revealed to the public a couple of months after I say it. I said Kamala was going to be Biden's VP, and she was announced as his Veep two months later! LOL!
I said all that shit about Mccain, a couple months later a bunch of incriminating shit about him came out.
I don't have a source or anything. It's just easy to predict a script once you learn how our Globe's script writers, devise their plans. They write it out like a shitty ass movie coz that's all American-politics is. It's just a B-movie script meant to corral American cattle to beg for the State to save them.

You make it sound as if I speak nonsense. Point out the nonsense. I've generally been far more correct with my assertions than you have been. You sound like a guy who has overdosed on 'red pills' which is why much of what you say lacks logic, due to your shotgun styled scattershot delivery where you will often conflate entire historical time periods within completely different centuries from each other, because you only look for one defining link, Jews.
I've always said, or at least I've pointed it out to other people that a lot of what you say is true. It's the way you frame it that's wrong coz you operate off of some American style script where there's bad guys & good guys. Nah mang, there's only bad guys. LOL! Some people are less bad, which is where I put the Zionists. I don't like them, but the USA was better off when Wasps allied with Zionists. I'll elaborate when I get to that.

A lot of times, you just sound like you're quoting somebody. You don't come across as an individual who figured it out himself.
You honestly need to read more. Try starting with Sumerian texts. I have about 6 or 7 Zecharia Stichin books where he tries to translate Sumerian texts & compare it side by side with the histories contained within the Bible. Sumerian texts predated the bible. You have to take him with a grain of salt coz he thinks that Sumerians were referring to ancient astronauts. Anyone who talks about ancient astronauts is either a shill or retarded. I don't think he's retarded.
It is true though that Sumerians were simply caretaking over a civilization that preexisted their's but we often label the Sumerians as the earliest known civilization, coz it's the oldest one that we can prove and still have documents for.

You have to start with The Sumerians for our world's foundational myths coz our world's understanding of current history begins with the Sumer. Some of which were originally Sumer, but have been reinterpreted with Ashkenazi jews who aren't even from the fucking Middle East! AYY LMAO!
Zecharia never mentions any of this shit, that's just something you piece together coz the truth is always what's not being said. He's far more concerned with Christianity and only mentions the old testament in regards to Cucktanity.
A book that I know you'll read, simply coz of the title is ... an-swindle
I don't agree with the premise of that book, coz I don't believe that Ashkenazi Jews are Sumerian.
It also seems to be a very niche book that's written towards niche internet White supremacist faggots, but for you I think it's perfect since you already hate Jews to begin with, AYY LMAO!

The important part is learning about the origins, so may as well start with a fucking retarded book which claims that banking originated from Sumeria, and then move your way up to books which actually reference sumerian texts & tomes. What you need, is a basic understanding of the world that pre-existed the Bible, or what we know of the preexisting world since you still won't know shit even after learning about Sumer.
Most of what we know about Sumeria is contained within a bubble as if the Sumer were the only nation that existed back then.
Yes I do believe that Pyramids serve as proof of a generalized nation which existed world wide but that's a different topic and who knows what Pyramids are. They're certainly not tombs, because that's a much more recent invention, an explanation created by White people.

That's part of the reason why I was hooked onto the Anime/Manga One Piece. The character Robin (who's officially said to be Russian.) kinda felt as though she were meant to be from a tribe of Sumerians and she's the only person in the cast who can read a Sumerian-inspired.
It's just too bad that One Piece ever since the post timeskip, seems to have turned into a generic fighting anime so a lot of the cool background story has taken a backseat to the much less interesting fist fighting. Wano arc for so fucking long, goddamn!

If you haven't already, read the Book of Enoch. That tells you a lot about what's going on in the world today.
The modern day USA is basically just the Jezebel figure from the Bible. Jezebel eventually took over an entire kingdom through marriage and she replaced the worship of God with her own, Baal.
That's what modern day 2020s USA looks like, a country run by insane Feminists pushing forth Canaanite gods under the guise of Secular Reasoning.
I put S & R in capitals coz you keep trying to push that fucking Cosmopolitan retard, Kyle Kulinski. I'll get to him in a moment, although I'll most likely repeat what I already said about him in the past.

You should also look up the Fed/CIA files on Osama Bin Laden. Osama did a lot of thorough research on the Bilderberg bloodlines. It's crazy as fuck to me how Osama Bin Laden knew way more about the USA than actual Americans do, AYY LMAO!

They will release another virus, and more vaccines
This is perfect timing for leaving
No matter where you go, you'll always have to deal with it. It's just worse in the USA because they have a Tranny army equipped with advanced military weaponry and they'll probably bring out secret projects like what the Yanks did to Japan during WW2.

The smart move is to make as much money as you can, and move into some 3rd world shit hole. The less known or heard of the place is, the better since TPTB are planning to go after all major population centers.
In Japan, about the only place that's been infiltrated is Tokyo coz Tokyo is as far as Japs will allow them to go before they start self-isolating again and closing Japan off from all foreigners. 'Foreigners' also includes Japanese who aren't living in Japan when the country decides to close itself off. Of course Japan will still have trade, but it'll most likely only be with China & other Asian nations.

White people are getting to a point to where they're the ultimate Golem who act as mind viruses which spread idelogies that were specifically designed to destroy nations from within, such as the West's philosophy of what they label as 'progress'. Progress my ass when that same ideology was tried back in the 1800s to the point that they assassinated kings which led to both world wars and I can't fucking believe that we're going through a similar cycle of events again except this time they're going after sovereign rights since the monarchs already have zero power.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by DaRealEvilone »

I do know about sitchin
I don't agree with the part that states anunakis created men to mine gold, that they need gold for their planet atmosphere

I do think they have technology for creating gold, minerals, ect
Just as Salomon's computers if they got like 3d printing technology computes, they now talking about quantum computers but this is like different as gives you real food lol, minerals, buildings as Salomon's tempel

About fauci, Trump had power to fire him
I didn't know about him until I searched him up
There is a documentary called plandemic where fauci is exposed

Don't believe what Twitter says because are programming bots as shadowgate documentary talks about, patrick bergy
Meant with bots they tried to change narrative that fits them, some people just follow what majority says in this case they follow bots
Just as they always pro isis rael
Pro v@ccines

Yes all of them bad even Russia is with mandatory vaccines agenda
Is safe to tell you by now that I thought isis Ra El was going to be number one nation of the world, even though they are helping USA destruction
But is china

I think aliens just continue here under shadows
Different races of aliens

Probably planet x is about to orbit around earth once again
I want to know is this has to do of mandatory vaccines, are they behind schedule?

She is very good

About covids my family got it they said it was horrible almost died my stepfather because is diabetic, one of my bros said it was awful

I think I posted it on other thread virus is real, how real ? don't know?, maybe is a cold. Or maybe there are multiple virus, sometimes I think they use wave technology ??.I don't really know.
This was years ago
These covid v#ccinez have graphine nano bots and is tr@nshumsnism agenda

Lmao actually I don't have a problem with Israel nwo if they didn't kill other human beings, steal their homes away, steal their Lands, burned their crops, fields
Do you know about project paperclip
Well USA brought most smart Germans after we2 to usA while others to other countries, basically that's how Israel was created by real Naxis
Soros used to work with Na,xiss to turn j3wish families, so S,0ros kept their wealth
H,0l0caust wasn't big as they make it to be just as covid but they manipulate history
I ain't making it up
Isis Ra El have P@lestinians go through chairs of punishment, these chairs were used centuries ago and they get away with it
Real naxis

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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by DaRealEvilone »

Do you know that Elon musk said is an alien
Well he is being honest

Bashar Anka talks about it, Alex Collier
Many more as in other thread of requesting book
Ken Bakeman The verge a chronicles of aliens encounters. They are many bof them
Remember the blonde talking about draconians and covid
Well, her video isn't anymore
But they showed me in dreams
I think dragons are their ancesy I don't know
I saw one Dragon dissolving on like a lake, it was like old and fell then dissolved
For this particular race that was showing me in dreams, is like an big hole spiral
But is underground city, I saw reptoids, reminds me of smtiv
In my room they came to visit me, when I was laying on bed. When I started looking from bottom to top, and got to their upper body imaginary changed
I think they are hybrids or androids
The raptoid race I saw seems like they want to come to the surface
It was like a week long showing me all this
Lol I try to figure out, if they think I'm a friend? I always have this theory, some of them are from here and others aren't

The other day I saw I don't what race put something on my bellybutton , I think humanity is a big experiment
Or what Corrado Malanga says , we got souls they don't and want to copy it
Just as s
What bible says

Also In dreams in the last 2 years they showed me supermarkets empty, do big changes are coming
I just say pray
And keep a strong mind

The blonde talks about stuff like this but her videos aren't anymore, the one linking corona and dracoz
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by DaRealEvilone »

I told you I don't support Kyle 100%
But he spukes sum truths

He is pro vaccines
Is as bukele he is good but pro vaccines

Actually you sound as isis Ra El is against communism lmao
Is Ra El is communism
I just saw a video Isis Ra El police took away a child from a family for not vaccinated baby

They are with China , their port is being used by china
And Iran is with China too, silk road
When they did 911 , some of them were dancing while recording twin towers falling in NY and were caught then released by cia, later they were on a Israeli tv show talking about it

For prophecy they seek USA destruction? I I doy see anything else about it besides how USA was being used by them as a slut
Soros behind plann parents hood
Blm antifa, and what else I don't even know
Tucker was investigating proud boys Linked to fbi, I guess they threatened him
He haven't spoken about it anymore
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by CENSORED »

Gaystation at it again! Does anyone around here even have a PS5?
I'm never getting one.
Noone has a PS5 period. Playstation 5s are tokens that you exchange between scalpers. Nobody actually plays it. (Inb4 some twitter tranny posts a video of them playing on their ps5. I don't literally mean nobody. I mean it does not serve the function of a videogame console, because it's not generally used to play videogames. It's used as a token to exchange favour & money.)
It's gotten to the point where I suspect it's a mass money laundring operation because Sony keeps bragging about their sale numbers, but the fucking thing has been out for a full year and the amount of software releases is pathetic. It almost looks like they funded those games in order to have plausible deniability lol.
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by DaRealEvilone » ... ng-vi.html ... gs-re.html

I recall when thinking what their next 911 was going to be, I thought about a virus but I was not so sue sure
But it seems they are behind schedule

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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:41 am
Gaystation at it again! Does anyone around here even have a PS5?
I'm never getting one.
Noone has a PS5 period. Playstation 5s are tokens that you exchange between scalpers. Nobody actually plays it. (Inb4 some twitter tranny posts a video of them playing on their ps5. I don't literally mean nobody. I mean it does not serve the function of a videogame console, because it's not generally used to play videogames. It's used as a token to exchange favour & money.)
It's gotten to the point where I suspect it's a mass money laundring operation because Sony keeps bragging about their sale numbers, but the fucking thing has been out for a full year and the amount of software releases is pathetic. It almost looks like they funded those games in order to have plausible deniability lol.
How the fuck are you always fucking right? KEK!
This shit is hilarious. They're basically saying that nobody plays PS5 coz it has no games and that Japs only buy PS5s to resell them to Chyna kek.

Yes this was greentext from a 4cuck post but I don't feel like going through twitter's terrible layout just to copy & paste from there.
>What is the dark side of PlayStation that I happened to see in Ikebukuro?

>What is this?

>Isn't this ...... that resale hardware PS5?

>The PS5 is a part of Jim Ryan's disregard for Japan, and no units have been released yet.

>According to Famitsu, Resident Evil: Village sold 72,761 units, making it the best-selling PS5 game of all time.

>Considering that killer software generally sells more than 40% in the early days of a hardware release, and 20% even at the end of the hardware's lifespan, the fact that only 70,000 copies of the software have been sold while more than 1 million units of the console have been sold is an extraordinary ratio.

>If a software sells well in DL format, it also sells well in packaged form, and there is no such thing as a software that only sells well in DL format. The more you buy the DL version, the more you lose, so it is even more unlikely.

>In other words, the PS5 will not sell a million units in real terms. In fact, if we look at the number of units that have been sold to consumers in Japan, it's probably only about half a million units.

>In any case, the lack of sales of the console, coupled with the recent shortage of semiconductors, means that the situation is unlikely to improve for some time to come, but the PS5 is piling up!
>I was walking along the street behind Otome Road when I saw it, and after passing it once, I thought, "That box looks familiar. ......" When I looked closer, I saw that it was a PS5.

>I was really surprised to see such a large number of PS5s at once, because I had heard that they were resale products with few units.

>Furthermore, if you look closely, you can even see an Xbox Series X piled up behind the PS5. From the look of the outer box, I'm guessing it's the Xbox Series X Halo Infinite Limited Edition, which was released late last year to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Halo series. I'm not sure. I don't know what it is, but I think it's different from the regular edition box.
>I thought it was a limited edition box, but I was told that the standard edition box also has Master Chief on it. This is the signature title of Xbox, isn't it? However, it is not sold at major electronics retailers, and according to Famitsu's tally for the New Year's holiday period from December 20 to January 2, only 471 Xbox Series X units were sold. It is extremely puzzling to find such a large amount of stock in such a place.

>The manager left the place with a strong sense of discomfort at the suspicious sight.
>However, there are Sagawa and Yamato sales offices in the vicinity, so I thought it might be related to that. Yes, it was ...... at that time.

>And then the shocking truth was revealed.

>It would be a disservice to my name if I dismissed it with that!

>I can't help it if I don't look up what I'm curious about.
>So, I decided to search the company name.
>I typed "Infinity Corporation" into the search engine and got this. The company's business is "retailing and wholesaling of consumer electronics, and overseas export. It looks like a Chinese company. It looks like a Chinese company, with a representative, and branches in Dalian and Guangzhou.

>In Japan, they also run a mail order site for home appliances and computers called EC-WORLD, and they also sell cosmetics and hydrogen water generators.

>They also sell game consoles.
>The only one they sell is the PS5!

>Oh... (I guess)

>98,500 yen is .......

>It's currently sold out, but considering the fact that they had a pile of them, I'm sure they'll have a large quantity in stock soon. In case you're wondering, there's also an outlet PS5 with a scratched outer box, but the price for that one is 115,000 yen, which is higher than the price of the reasonably priced one.

>When it comes to the purchase of PS5, Rudya is always talked about, but there are many places like this that you just don't know about. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

>So, back to the previous question, even though it's being resold, it should be the end user who ultimately purchases it. Regardless of how it's resold, if the console is selling over a million units, the software should be selling in line with that number. It would not be surprising if Bio had sold 300,000 units or so

>The PS5's tie ratio, which indicates how many copies of software are sold when one unit of hardware is sold, is far below the minimum threshold of 1.

>The fact that this is not the case in spite of the fact that the PS5 is well below the minimum threshold of 1 means that where is the hardware that should be selling? If you look at it this way, it becomes obvious that even though the number of PS5 units shipped to Japan is small, even if you make the best estimate, almost half of that small number is being exported overseas, to China and other countries.
>Fortunately there are no PS5 only games, and even if there were, they would be eventually released on multiple platforms, including PC.

>If we talk about Japanese manufacturers, the only one I can think of at the moment is Squeni with FF16. After all, the exclusive FF7R's additional content, Yuffie, is now available on Epic Games Store. I think it's a bad thing that the PC is becoming more and more like the PC, in that it's losing its uniqueness, but what do you think?

>Xbox has no intention to differentiate itself since it is integrated with PC, but if CS hardware becomes just a backward compatible version of PC, I doubt if there is any value in it.

>The PS4's software market share also dropped dramatically last year, and the PS5 is at the margin of error. It was shocking in a different way that Oniketsu, the historical No. 1 Japanese movie in the history of Japanese movies with box-office revenues of over 40 billion yen, did not sell that well as a game. It's just too much. Last year's PS software market share was about 10%, but this year PS4 is expected to shrink further, so the total market share of both hardware will be about 5%. If that happens, it will be as if they practically don't exist anymore.

>PlayStation is finally on the verge of disappearing from Japan.

>Will the history of PlayStation finally come to an end
Keks in bold by me.

I saw some retard claim that the reason why PS5 isn't that much of a blockbuster success is due to the chip shortage, and that Switch 2 would also flop due to it presumably using similar chips as the next gen Gaystation & Suckbox systems.
LOL talk about being clueless. The reason why Switch is popular is because it appeals to casuals, family with children & lapsed gamers who hate modern gaming, like me.
If I had children, I'd buy them a Switch. For one thing it's not optical media so far less likely for kids to break it. (Although your stupid dogs will still eat it just like how they ate GBA, DS & 3DS games lol.)
Another thing, I don't have to worry about Nintendo shoving Trannyfucking into their games like Last of US 2. Sure that's a Mature rated game, but the vast majority of people who play Mrated games are Children and Man-Children.

I'd much rather introduce kids to games of my youth like Kirby SuperStar, which hilariously has much deeper combat & even adventure (Great cave Offensive) than most Gaystation adv games like Uncharted. (Which is just linear hallway cinema simulators where the game automatically jumps for you during the ADV scenes. lol_
Switch caters to retards like me, who buy video games to *GASP* play video games.
I never understood this whole 'gaming being treated as a big live social event party where everyone shows off the game, but don't actually play it' movement.

I even saw a moron claim that Switch is supplementary, and that if you buy a switch you're missing out on over half of the market.
Uh no, Switch gets most of the games from Steam and Switch even gets games that were banned off of Steam like that game. ... ss-switch/
(I don't know why it's banned.)

Unless you really want to play some bullshit like Deathloop, you're not missing out on anything if you primarily game on the Switch. Switch still gets the yearly NBA2k & yearly FIFA games, which are the only two titles that I ever saw anyone play back when I was on the PS4, AYY LMAO!
Unlike Switch where I see a wide variety of games being played alongside Fifa, Fortnite & NBA2k. I see plenty of Smash, Pokemon (shit damn near everyone got themselves Pokemon Pearl or Daimond for Xmas. Here I am with my Digimon Complete edition game, lol. Fuck U, Digimon is cooler!), Maro Kart, BOTW & Animal Crossing.

About the only somewhat notable games you're missing out on are the Fighting genre but even the Fighting genre turned into retard ass tranny shit after the Gaystation 4/5 took over that entire genre.
I've learned to move on over to Smash Bros Ultimate, which is nowhere near as fun as good ol 90s era fighters but I prefer Smash over modern "OHShitSoSeriousCompettive game which plays like a turnbased game coz you're waiting for 3 minutes just for the opponent's 10000 hit combo to end." Seriously DBZfighterz is overrated, it's not even the best DBZ game and not even close coz it doesn't even feel like dbz. It just feels like some retarded version of Marvel vs Crapcom, and it I didn't even like those games to begin with.
I'm glad that Smash doesn't have any retardation like that.

It's weird when I think about it. Squaresoft was the reason why I abandoned Nintendo during the late 90s, but you look at Square Enix now, they're still just rereleasing old ass shit from the 90s or remaking them (and making it worse.) coz Square is actually brainless without Hironobu Sakaguchi. The Gooch himself seems to be blacklisted from the industry though.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Sony Chad Warden the Prophet

Post by CENSORED »

How the fuck are you always fucking right? KEK!
It informs my mind with dreams, visions... Visions of Danny "THE MAN" Dataly coming to take what is his!

All jokes aside, maybe I was wrong. I see Playstation 5 is finally getting the NEXT GEN IMMERSIVE KILLER APP that is going to make those sales SKYROCKET among real hardcore gamers.
How can the Nintendo SHITch even compete? I don't think even high end computers could ever run that one...
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