& Wrestling, which has its own politics that it has to worry about.
Well I'll start with the one that actually related to Wrestling.
Japanese wrestling culture is just badass. I saw an interview way back where Awesome Kong said that she beat the fuck out of a racist Jap guy who called her racist slurs, and she was allowed to do so, coz the Japanese wrestling has this code of conduct where if a random mark disrespects you, you're given the right to beat the shit out of them. It used to be the same way in the USA, but USA has lost its way. It became very gay.That's unsurprising. Masculine females in sports and dikes seem to go hand in hand. I would forget the WNBA even existed if I didn't occasionally hear about its player beating up their girlfriends and female spouses.
I can't find the interview, since all of her shoot interviews seem to have been taken down, but I did see this match between her and Aja Kong, who is also Black.
While Awesome Kong is an actual Black woman who gets mad respect among the Japanese wrestling scene (Kong is actually more popular in Japan than she is in the West. She currently wrestles for AEW so she still has some mainstream appeal.), there's actually quite a numerous amount of Half-Black female wrestlers who were big time mainstream stars in Japan back in the 90s.
Aja Kong being one of the most notable. I had no idea that she was Black at all, but it made sense once I was finally told of her background. I just always assumed that she was just some crazy female Sumo Jap, but she became tough due to her shitty ass upbringing and life growing up in Japan.
Without that culture though, Aja Kong would've never become the legend that she is today. She'll be remembered for generations to come within Japanese history.
Were she an American, would Aja have had the same drive to pursue greatness? Probably not, she'd prob just sit around and whine like most Americans do, and I'm stating this as a stereotype for the entirety of the modern American people.
All the hate, the strife that Aja has went through, throughout her entire life are what forged her to be the badass motherfucker that she is today. Japan's culture forces you to find your identity, because they will relentlessly taunt you until you've found your craft, and then master that said craft for the glory of Japan.
This could've been Hana's future, but it seems that she actually killed herself over some guy from NJPW who left her after he saw that post where she cut her self up, lol.
I'll get to that in a later post, when I'm able to actually bring it back to the fucking subject of the thread.
Most of that underdeveloped land are on mountains, lol. I used to live in Japan, and even the surburbs are more crowded than NYC during the most active times of the day. It was actually relief when I finally came back to the USA, coz in the USA, I could go on for months without seeing a single person.I don't by the overpopulation thing. There are way more undeveloped regions in japan than developed. People are piled into huge metropolitian areas, but most of the country has a sparse population outside of the major ports.
There isn't enough land mass to fit Japan's citizens in, all of the livable area is already occupied. Friggiin Italians & Germans have far less people than Japan does but I don't see people telling Italy that they're in danger of dying out. Italians have a population of only 60 million.
I do hear that about Germans, which is why they replaced their own local people with Libyans & Turks.
Living space is so limited in Japan, that most people don't even have a yard.
Having a yard is rare in Japan, precisely due to how over populated it is. In Japan, everyone assumes you're rich if you have a Western styled yard.
It was always funny to me, hearing about this completely different reality whenever I went to school in the Marine base. I don't give a fuck what people who live outside of Japan claim, coz it just never made sense to me. I was told that japan was underpopulated even back in the 90s whenever I attended the stupid Marine Base school. Which surprise surprise, Muricans were spreading fake news even back then.
What is the goal? To create more Japanese immigrants or diaspora? The country is already maxed out so the current death-rate is just the society self-correcting the population down to manageable numbers.
It boggles my mind that people outside of Japan want Japan to have more people when you're constantly rubbing against each others' asses due to how over populated the country already is.
The few spaces you speak of that aren't as populated, are farms which they need, to feed themselves.
Not everyone can be like the USA, and depend on China for everything.
Japs make fun of everyone. That's the way the culture is. It's why I'm often making fun of everyone.Not even beating the number one female player in the world is enough to override the fact that she is mixed in Japan.
They do that to weed out the weak. They would've chose something else to make fun of, were her race not he most visible difference. I've seen a Jpop bitch getting made fun of on national tv for being a brain dead whore who tried to get political. (Which is completely unlike the USA. Here in the Western Tv, they treat Trannies like gods & women as popes, lol) It's basically how the Military operates, but with the Japs, that's their entire culture.
In Japan, You either conform or get out. If you don't get out, then you need to toughen up.
I see a lot of Jap assholes who claim that Hana was too weak to live in Japan like this guy.
(Notice the high dislike ratio, showcasing how much people truly loved Hana.)
That's mandatory. All Jap dual-citizenships have to make a choice by the time they become an adult. I wasn't even granted a choice lol. They knew I was in league with Yakuza underworld so the Japs were like, "Get out and don't come back." They didn't actually say that, it's just when you leave the country and get your passport stamped, they normally have another stamp that wishes for your return. I didn't get that at all, lol.The part I found sad about it, is that they forced her to have to choose only one citizenship to compete for Japan, because she had citezenship in the U.S. in Japan prior. She chose to get rid of her American citizenship and stick with the country that treated her like she is diffective
Thing is, I could've always came back whenever due to muh Yak connections (all you need is a sponsor & a work visa, or a Jap bitch you married.),but then I'd have to put in some real work unlike the stupid player shit I did as a kid.
I'm too old for that now. At least I'm in good company, Low-Ki can never come back coz he cost the Japs plenty of sponsorship money when he decided to randomly wrestle as a cosplay of Hitman 47, lol.
This dude is such a retard. He thinks that the reason why NJPW never wants him back, was due to him refusing to work a show in Fukushima. I'm certain that they may have been annoyed with that, but the real reason is because he doesn't do as he's told, and ended up costing the company a shit ton of money.
Yeah, the same types of folk who dissed Hana. It must be much harder when you're a woman. As a man, all I have to do is grunt or laugh at the slanteyes, and they'll start bowing to you in a submissive way.Some ugly comedy duo clowned her saying she needed some bleach and she responded that she just tans easily. I didn't even realize they were female when I first saw their picture.
That's literally all you have to do, but that prob only works for me coz I'm a scary looking man.
I've heard tales from Swede Japs who have claimed that they've been dissed while in Japan, but they immediately shut up when the SwedeJap dude stood his ground, since he's 6'5, which is a giant in Japan. That's about the size of a Japanese wrestler or Sumo.
I don't really think it's a problem, coz that's the way Jap society is structured. You're meant to rise above these faggots, and eventually rule over them. That's why I'm so fucking sad over Hana. She had no fucking patience. She wanted to rule over all, now, when she was already a Queen. Everything would came to fruition had she not been so impatient. Not that I blame her since Corona fucked up the entire Wrestling industry which forced nearly every promotion to stop doing shows for these last 3 months.
Japan is feudalist, 90% of their population are just worker ants who do nothing but conform, but the irony is that those conformists are always led by the unique individuals who didn't conform and made their own fortune through sheer force of will.
Hana was doing that, but she short-circuited and couldn't handle it anymore.
The thing is, I wouldn't even like an American born Hana, coz an American born Hana would just be a bland good looking bitch who says nothing of value at all. An American-born Hana would most likely repeat droll, braindead American political platitudes. (I hate both the Right Wing's God/Israel worship & the Left wing's Victim-Deification.)
Hana was hot to me, precisely coz she was born in Japan.
Which resulted in her being extremely outspoken, hardheaded & charismatic due to the constant bullshit that she had to put up with. She's like a female maverick Tomonobu Itagaki in terms of demeanor, who was produced from the same type of cultural climate.
Hana had the typical Godlike traits that higher ups within Jap society look for, as potential leaders within their nation.
Even that Terrace House show she was in, was a show that's about seeking out the future leaders, stars & gods of Japan. Ironically, Hana was like the only true star that I saw from that show.
She couldn't handle the pressure of being a leader in Japan, which is why fans of that reality show constantly taunted her and told her to go back to her wrestling shows.
A lot of Japan's celebs who have reached that Godhood status, are all really weird & charismatic like Antonio Inoki or Beat Takeshi. Hana Kimura was one of the only Japfemales I've seen who had that same type of charisma of being able to make anything work, simply coz she did it.