Fix that shit, mothafucka! I told you, nothing works, nothing worked, nothing will work. You can't fix this degenerate non-culture of our non-society, so shut up and fix this damn site already! What are you looking at? (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
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Ok, suggestions? [forum updates]

Post by Iwazaru »

What to change? For example, avatars setting are currently very laughable - 90x90 pixels. I'll up it to 150x150 or 200x200 perhaps.

As for forum look, there are forum themes which user can change , but also one of theme is default on forum. Not sure if there are more decent themes to choose though. There are here, anyway:
choose some and i ll install to server
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Jack »

It needs less categories. Put World Tour, & Entertainment in the general section. Or just delete them, but make threads based off of those subjects at the general section. I'll still write about Jap shit and all that. I even plan to do a general thread called World Wonder Wrestling, where I'll post history of the sport & what not, and then devolve it to talking about which wrestling girls' ass is the fattest.
EDIT: Entertainment could stay as its own section. I'd personally just leave it as general content, but I've been involved in sites in the past which lost a fair chunk of their userbase simply coz they got rid of the movie/tv shit.
EDIT2: Get rid of all of the subforums. They're unneeded and just makes the layout even more confusing.
They were useful back when the site was much larger. They're unneeded now and in the foreseeble future.

The only reason why that other forum had so many categories to begin with was coz it was a much bigger site back in the day, on a mainstream platform, it had actual sponsors, and a forum/site staff that was nearly composed of all women, except for me and that random Hitler guy called Invisible Hand, he was actually several posters. I was one of them but I shared it with a few other idiots and all we would do is quote hitler for the lulz :lol: . You can't do that anymore coz Amerucant's think Internet is Seriousssss bizzzneszzz and they'll try to destroy your real life based off of what they know about you through fucking random posts, AYY LMAO! :roll: :mrgreen: .

So back in the day, I had girls talking me into doing all sorts of stupid shit such as a RPG forum where we larp & shit. I delete a lot of thread sections, but even with all of the sections I deleted, it was still hard to organize the shit we still had that were remnants of the old site.
Fuck, I even had a section for fawking fan fiction. None of you motherfuckas remember this, coz I don't think any of you were even here during that era. That's why I get annoyed when I get laughed at for categorizing the site into eras, when if you were with it from the start like I was, you would clearly see different eras & cliques forming. The one that congregated at Facebook, was the era that Xed was in, which came after all of that crazy shit with the all-female staff. It's not like I recruited them either, they all volunteered.

You also don't need an introduction section, you don't need a politics or theology section either. All of that can be put into general threads.
We only had those sections back in the day coz for a period of time, that was the most popular content on the site.
(WHich is why it cracks me the fuck up that Ferlanga accuses me of being too fucking political when most posters at the site were fucking political.)
Well the Introduction section was just a remnant of the old site, but personally I've always hated that section. Who fucking cares who you are? Just start posting and we'll figure out.

Back when this site was at its most popular, & most active. It was due to how it had a layout that was easy to navigate, this is that Twin Peaks era.
How did I organize it during those days?
I grouped everything into about 4 sections, and I made so that 100 - 300 threads appeared on each page since most people (including myself) only ever click on page 1 of every single Thread section.
I also made it so that about 100 posts appeared on every page on a thread, but you don't need to do that since it eventually slows the pages down due to all of the images, vids & posts that are stored in each page.

The 100-500 threads per page is a must though. Back when this site was at its most active, there was only 2 - 5 pages per Thread section but the actual threads on the first page were all extremely active.
It's a less is more approach, but it works coz you can easily see how active everything is coz each thread section is being updated every day due to how there's less sections and because it's much easier to find threads to post at. Unlike in Le Current decade with that tapashit forum which doesn't allow you to organize the forum the way you wish, which in turn makes it so hard to fucking find anything.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

I was going to make most of the same suggestions. We really don't need that many sections. I think it was a good idea to group movies, anime etc. in one section, we don't really need the subsections and I agree politics and lifestyle can just go under general threads
other than that I think your sig is funny as shit capn' jack. I will send a PM to Rake and the others later tonight
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

Initially I separated GHM section into "hosted sites" though, due to how it's not focus of our forums for many years lately (even though it's focus of site itself) but Xed will agree to have it structured in one place to not interfere with our main enterteinmant/gaemz part, and also cause there could be more sections like that if there will be stuff we host on site that can have section on forum but not under general part of it.

btw, is your gif in signature broken? i cant see it at all.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

Oh I agree that the GHM stuff should stay separate since it's really a niche thing most people don't give a fuck about
What I'm saying is that having several subsections to each forum is redundant, like have a general section, one about videogames, one about other entertainment and one about politics/sociology and that should be enough
We definetly need a politics section so we can just open a new thread whenever there's a new happening, such as "World War 3" or the corona virus lmao
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:51 am Oh I agree that the GHM stuff should stay separate since it's really a niche thing most people don't give a fuck about
I thought this was a GHM site. It's what the site content is lol. It's still called PH51 too. At this point may as well stick with the name all due to internet nerds running that name to the fucking ground with their bullshit lies. it's better to actually exist so peeps can see for themselves. Not that it matters coz the average ignoramus has been taught to disbelieve their own 5 sense & only trust in the fucking blue checkmark morons who have lots of retweets & likes.
What I'm saying is that having several subsections to each forum is redundant, like have a general section, one about videogames, one about other entertainment and one about politics/sociology and that should be enough
We just need General Forum, and rename it to General Forum since Welcome to the hotel is confusing as hell.
It made sense back when the site was trying to expand. Not anymore.
General Forum, Video games & Entertainment should be the sections. Although imo books, films & all the fucking garbage could easily be squeezed into general too. It's just from past experince, Entertainment boards do tend to be relatively popular for some reason so may as well leave it as its own section. Weird though coz Sports is entertainment too but that can easily fit into General no problem.

Fan Wank, i don't really know what to do with that. That's a hold over from the past too and honestly I think it should just be a thread in general. GHm can stay seperate since it's the actual site content.

Back when we actually had a forum that allowed me to put 100 threads on each page, the General forum was actually one of the more interesting places since you saw so many different threads talking about completely different subjects. As opposed to now, where you only see political thread with most of them generally talking about the same shit.
We definetly need a politics section so we can just open a new thread whenever there's a new happening, such as "World War 3" or the corona virus lmao
Just put that in general. In the sports forum I post at which has about 200k members, they have a politics general thread at the general section.
Who gives a shit about 'HAPPENINGS' when there's fucking nothing happening? World War 3 was a big nothing burger & I can gurandamntee that coz I'm from a multi generational Military family. I'm actually getting Xeboblade 2 tomorrow coz a Marine base near where I live still has new copies of XB. I have to get my mom to get it for me though since I haven't been allowed on base, without the supervsion of a soldier ever since I turned 18 way back in Japan.

You don't really need a political board when 90% of the posts are just going to be morons saying "Told ya it was Jews! Told ya it was Reptilians! Told ya it's Late Stage Capitalism! Told ya it's Commies!" Even though it actually is the commies, :lol:

You know what really fucking botheres me about these discord twitter idiots. Why they gotta act like they my father, talking down to me for being Far Right (I mean look at me, do I look like a Lefty weakling? Of course I'm Right wing.) when my pops is actually a lifelong Conservative.
Those Twatter cucks talk about being Right wing as though it would shame my family or something.

A month ago, after I made a joke about how my pops voted for Obama, My mom told me.
"No, your dad hates Obama. He's been a Republican for his entire life. That's why he got in an argument with Rob." Rob is a tall White dude who married one of his sisters. Like most Whites, Rob is a hard core Lefty Liberal.
Like I was saying in that other forum, the Whiter the motherfucker, the more Liberal they are coz White people view 'Liberalism' as a status symbol.
My pops grew up on Wel-fare so he's pretty much the classic case example of what often causes lifelong Republicans. (Welfare forces you to vote a certain way, and you have no control over your life.)

This is why I don't understand why I'm labeled as a 'White supremacist' by these blithering College educated morons, when I'm always looking down on Whites, friggin look at me. I look like a real life Dothraki & the Dothraki are based off of Central Asian barbarian tribes who killed Whites & raped White wimmen, :lol: !
we don't really need the subsections and I agree politics and lifestyle can just go under general threads
Who is even going to do lifestyle? A lot of these damn thread sections are hold overs from back when I gave a damn. I don't anymore. I don't fucking trust internet people, and I don't even treat them as people anymore. Why the fuck should I, with the way they fucking treat me? I now treat everything on the net as just my place to shit on. What I'll do for this site, is post stuff on the blog and probably open a few threads directing people to where my uploads may be stored. I'm thinking of using Spankbang for that Jav shit.I made an account awhile back coz they have a lot of rare big butt Jap vids i've been looking for :lol:

Oh oh oh oh, Twitter police! "Oh he's so desperate and thirsty and needs sex. So Cringe, So creepy, not like me, I'm Le Chic Internet Twat who always says the right things, the right things are what ever the Status quo believes. I'm such a unique & independent minded person, coz everything I believe was handed down to me straight from Corporate run social media celebrity page, which isn't even run by the celibrity, but a ghostwriter. Even-so, I'm on the right side of history, and you're not coz you're a White supremacist."
Even though everything that the so-called 'White supremacist' says seems to be the exact opposite of White supremacy. If these mother fuggaz actually knew how to read, they'd understand that I'm saying that White peoplr are fucking weak and are dying as a race coz they're weak.

In the past, it was my people who were sent from their God to obliterate & punish them so they can star over, due to thier past sins. In Le Current Decade, Whites are destroying themselves of their own accord. it's like I'm watching a horror-comedy in real time. They're genuinely happy to cut their dicks off. It's so fucking weird!
It's just like how I don't understand the appeal of that Darby Allin loser from AEW, he's just a skinny midget, wearing women's pantyhose, That's what passes for a badass with the younger Milennial audience?
I don't get it. I look like I'd kill him with one head butt :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Jack on Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:01 am, edited 4 times in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Jack »

other than that I think your sig is funny as shit capn' jack.
That was my legit reaction when I saw that screen cap. Who the fuck are these guys? Why are they talking about me like I'm some joke, as If I wouldn't scare the shit out of Chad Thundercock? if Chad saw me, he be like "Here you can have my bitch. Just please... spare me! I'm too young to die! :(

Seriously, I once punked out a hot Asian mom's (probably Korean, could be Japanese. i don't know what she was.) son, in front of her while we were both in an elevator. I did so, coz i thought she was hot and I just punked out the dude coz i thought he was a faggot and mistook him for her faggot boyfriend. I wasn't fucking thinking, coz mUhDik!
Despite that, she did seem to find me attractive but of course I didn't get to fuck her. I just punked out her son and treated him like trash. He was trash compared to me, but insulting her son, is practically the same as insulting her.
Well now, this is why you don't raise sons with single moms, their sons won't have enough testesterone to fight off a fucking Dothraki barbarian like myself.
She kinda looked like Rina Ayana, her hair was longer & wavier though, seemed to have big tits. Couldn't tell coz I never saw her without her blazer or skirt on. I did get the impression she was thicc though, which is why my first instinct was to punk out the nearest guy, who seems closest to her, which just so happened to be her own cumstain that she didn't swallow or get stuck in her ass crack.

Anyway with that fucking Chad comment, while my first rection to it was bemusement, just like what my sig shows. As time passed, it started to really get to me. Why do actual mobsters fear me, but random internet nerds treat me like I'm a joke? It's so fucking Weird!
Add that to another thing that I just don't understand about the young generation, I'm only a decade older but holy fuck they're all legit cucks.
I will send a PM to Rake and the others later tonight
Why don't you just use the anouncement function? You could also just open up a new Forum section which links directly to this forum within the forum section summary and then you make a new post which is just the url to the thread.
You can also instant send the link to everyone who's registered as a member at the forum.

I'm guessing you don't want to do that though since that's risking you giving the url to people who you don't want around anyway.
Still, it makes much more sense to do what normal forums do. Some of those lurker new fags with no fucking posts interest me anyway, like the dude who has an avatar of a naked big butt with her big asshole.

There's always going to be more lurkers than posters. I know coz I've been in convos with plenty of lurkers. That's how I know that plenty of peeps who use the site only do so coz of me, even though I'm also the exact reason why the site is so hated. (By pussy-faggots larping as wimmin.)

EDIT: BTW this is Rina Ayana. That's what that Milf looked like, but with slightly longer hair.
(I only think she's Korean coz her son looks Korean. He kinda had a Kpop look with that stupid bowl cut & skinny jeans.) You could see the outlines of what appeared to be big tits bursing out from her suit. She was fully clothed in business attire, but my Japo-vision just immediately saw what she may look like underneath all of them useless clothes. Except the heels though, she could keep those on.

THis was back when I was an intern, when I was trying to be normal wageslave, getting bullied by my fucking superiors who think they're better than you coz they've been a faggot working at that shit hole longer than you have, AYY LMAO! :twisted:
btw, is your gif in signature broken? i cant see it at all.
Works for me.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

Why don't you just use the anouncement function? You could also just open up a new Forum section which links directly to this forum within the forum section summary and then you make a new post which is just the url to the thread.
You can also instant send the link to everyone who's registered as a member at the forum.
You really are just overestimating my ability to use Tapatalk, the interface here may be stuck in 90s but at least I own this platform, with tapatalk I never learned to use very basic functions such as the ones you described LOL. Regardless, I will give it a try. The problem being that most users, would have ran into the same issue that you had. (That is to say, having their accounts shut down)
Still, if there's an automated tool I'll just use that and avoid including a couple specific people who can go fuck themselves
I will try and look into this forum's aesthetics later today
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

Now i see gif, too. When i'll open blog section for you, you'll can just upload images there so they will not die.

Xed, add some avatar, FFS. It nerves me see profiles without avs for some reason :D
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

I sent a PM to all registered users in the old forums, it actually went through twice because tapatalk sucks my dick
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