I fucked up my keyboard when I rinsed it, now the buttons are all scrambled so I'm currently using a plug in keyboard.
AngelheadedHipster wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:25 pm
Associating him with Reagan is reductive. He very openly promoted Obama and Sanders during the elections of the past 20 years, so at least that suggests that he was somewhat sympathethic towards political movements that at least ty to look like they support the common people.
I'm just showcasing how old world American, Lynch is. He's so oldschool that he came from an era back when Conservatives were the most dominant & mainstream culture and none of them are more mainstream than Landslide Ronnie Raygun.
LOL associating with Obama & Bernie just lowers my estimation of Lynch.
Bernie is a useless loser & has accomplished nothing. He just talks a lot. I live in the real world. Talking doesn't accomplish shit. Only violence does, and Obama understood that which is why he was insanely violent behind the scenes. It even took Trump until the 2020s for him to understand where real power comes from. (Which is why The American Empire, Zionist & Military Complex factions teamed up together to put him back in office so he can do their bidding. Who's gonna go against them? Those 3 could kill the entire world if they wanted to.)
Obama is an extension of the Bush Crime Family and 2024 seems to be the end of his influence in the USA, but unfortunately the Open Society Foundation latched on to Japan during the 2020s so now it's Japan's turn to suffer the wrath of the wokie crap that was killing the USA from within.
Unfortunately the Zionists are back in full control of the USA, but after seeing the alternative for the past 10 -12 years, I'd much rather deal with the Devil I know, than put up with that goofy utopian bullshit that Obama's handlers were peddling where they seriously tried to turn all Western leadership into mediocre DEI hires. WTF?!
I have the same opinion as Danzig in regards to Obama and the American Left. They're literal fascists.
I don't like to use the word literal, but it's exactly what the American Left have been doing ever since I was born, terrorizing American nationalists through Corpo-owned Republican & Democrat politicians. The United States itself, is officially a corporation and has been since the aftermath of the Civil War when they killed off the rich millionaires from the South and stole all of their shit.
American media just likes to play a lot of sophist word games and confuse the populace by using the terms United States of America (The actual country) and United States (the Corpo), interchangeably. Similar to how they'll use the words gender & sex interchangeably with gender being the word in dispute like how country is the word in dispute in regards to the USA.
I'm not denigrating Lynch for being a Reaganite & yes I would argue that that's the political faction that most fitted him since it was what he was recognized as during the 80s-2000s. Gotta remember, the world was a completely different place pre-2016. I was actually popular back then lol since there weren't any fucking corpos to censor me. (They were too busy censoring cable & satellite tv.) The corpos were actually forced to put up with my shit because there weren't enough dumbasses to flood the net with yet. Unlike shills of today, I went out of my way not to advertise their products and if I did, I always made fun of their shitty ads. Now in days everyone freely shills for Corpos. What the fuck happened to society? Everyone became a fucking bitch bowing down to modern day Gods yet they claim to defy God. Doesn't look like that to me. When God King Youtube tells them to shill Raid Shadow Legends, they do it with a smile on their face, like a dog wagging his tail waiting for a treat from his human.
In the modern era, we're the product, only the Corporation has full human rights and that's not an exaggeration. It's the truth, corpos are viewed as human according to the law.
We're both showing our age here. I'm 20 years older than the average age of an active internet user so I came from an era back when Reagan was viewed as a wholesome fatherly statesman.
It's generally only hippies, commies and wannabe nazis who hate Reagan. A lot of the modern hate towards Reagan is partly the result of Lefty boomer hippies
who are still crying over him 40 years later (This is exactly what Millennials will be doing 40 years from now with Trump.) and Millennial self proclaimed (but have zero legit ties since neither since both factions were historically predominantly European or Asian, not American. It's yet again Americans stealing shit that ain't theirs lol.) Commie & Fascist who as I pointed out earlier are a bunch of stupid faggots larping as dead ideologies that has no place in the modern world because you can't fix modern issues with political ideas that were a reaction to their era's problems. Commies & Fascists were both viewed as progressive and forward thinking during the early 1900s.
That's what a lot of the wannabe Nazi faggots don't get. During its era, Nazis weren't viewed as edgy, counter culture or niche. Nazis were the dominant culture just like how Commies were the dominant culture. Ask any Russian in their 30s or older, and a lot of them will tell you that Communist Russia was far more manly & masculine than modern era Putin-land which is really just the Russian version of NeoLiberalism. I honestly don't understand how the fuck this site gets associated with Putin when Neo-Liberalism is the one faction that I have no tolerance for.
(It's because Americans are retarded and they think Putin is a Nazi, when Putin hates Nazis and he worships Black Jesus. I'm serious, he legit prays to statues & pics of Black Jesus. Putin is basically King Woke but everyone labels him as a Nazi.)
I can tolerate Communists and a lot of my anti corpo stances superficially looks communist. I think a lot of 'Communist' women are fucking hot.
She's smarter than most. She at least understands that Trump isn't Right wing and she just views him as a grifter who roleplays the most popular populist stances of the current climate. She's afraid of my faction though (She talks about that group in today's vid.) & when I saw that I was like., shucks looks like we can't be friends lol.
I have the same opinion as my pops (a spook who's been retired for 2 years.) in that I don't even believe that Communists exist in the 2020s. (Aside for a rare few on youtube
https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb who get labeled as Alt Right Far Right Fascist' because that's how corpo modern Communism is, they can't even recognize a real commie when they see one.) Modern day commies are just reddit larper Millennials who think that they're radicalizing kids by joining a Chinese social media site,
1d ago
One of the best means for people to quickly communicate and to get radicalized is gone so other company's can have a better monopoly. The only positiv in the whole thing is all the people going to rednote building solidarity and getting radicalized even better
and the funny part is that the Chinks hate White Leftys and view them as pussies.
News flash, crying about Capitalism & having internet arguments with people online isn't radicalization. It's NERDY!
All the gov would have to do is hire a few assholes like me and I'll go around the neighborhood recruiting every badass I see & we'd stomp out these wannabe commies because every single one of them is fake. The real Communists were Militant badasses who relied on violence, not words. Johnny Silverhand is not real. In real life nobody is going to walk through a Corpo building and gun everybody down like Johnny. Although even Johnny didn't survive his 1-man corpo raid so I'm honestly not sure what the fuck these reddit nerds are being galvanized by. A lot of them sure live within the domain of fantasy but they also have
the gall to act as if they're the most rational men in the room when their entire worldview just sounds like some edgy 12 year old power fantasy who can take down systems of power just by shouting at them.
Ironically there was even a game where they did exactly that, Dustborn the newborn Newporn. Whatever the fuck that means.
Cyberpunk is a damn good game, but the American internet fanbase are annoying wannabe Commies. Back in the 80s. I don't recall ever seeing any commies trying to claim the Cyberpunk genre as theirs. I agree that the Cyberpunk aesthetic is late stage capitalism but the main conflict of cyberpunk has always been corpos becoming the government and loss of our sense of self.
Back in the 80s & 90s, Cyberpunk was always Punk & Libertarian with Ghost in the Shell being the rare exception, which is a Military Techno-thriller. I don't understand why Redditors call GITS copganda, but I guess they see no difference between Military spec ops killers who use fake cop identities, and actual cops. Deus Ex & Matrix sure as fuck weren't communist but the modern era seems to equate all populist revolts with communism so anything that's associated with Rebels gets lumped into a huge Communist umbrella. TLDR: Reddit Communism is just University College Grad Larper Communism. It's not the same as real Communism which is a legit armed revolt against the state.
Like I've been saying, there's a reason why Millennials are often labeled as Boomers. At least Boomers lived during an era when Communism actually existed. Millennials are just larping about movements that they weren't even a part of & were little kids at best back when it was real. I usually make fun of Zoomers doing that, but I just noticed that Millennials fit that description far more.
The nazi or fascist reason for hating Reagan always makes me laugh since Cubans are generally Far Right, but they're not the right kind of 'white' to those nerds. (By white I mean that a lot of Cubans look like a less chiseled version of Henry Cavil.)
This is hilarious to me because Millennials are hating on Reagan for modern day issues that they believe that he caused when I just judge Reagan by who he was during his era since I was actually old enough to see for myself how popular he was. Raygun the last potus that the general populace loved on a somewhat similar level to Michael Jackson. Starting with Bush & Clinton, they've been nothing but divisive ever since.
It's just so hypocritical to me, because most millennials are also losers who still watch 1980s & 1990s children cartoons well into their 30s & 40s. It was Reagan who passed a law that made it legal for Corpos to advertise their products to kids. That's how videogames, anime, cartoons & comics became so popular with Millennials & parts of younger Gen X. That was Reagan's fault, but he never gets any credit for that because Millennials love nostalgia, so they just associate Reagan with modern day issue that he did help kick start but I wouldn't blame modern day issues on him at all. We have modern day politicians who have been there since the Reagan era like Mitch McConnel, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Biden who all did fucking nothing to curbstomp the alleged evils of the Reagan era.
I remember back in the 80s & 90s, nobody knew the names of politicians aside for the potus and his administration. I miss those days. It's funny to me because people act as if Biden was just some Obama dude (although Biden imo is more of a Trump guy and Biden most likely considers Obama as nothing but the help)
TLDR: I only latched Lynch to Reagan as an example of how inherently goofy Lynch is. I'm from an era where Reagan is viewed as funny & fatherly, similar traits that Lynch has. I completely forgot that you younger people treat him like he's evil or something but then latch on to a guy like Obama who orders the death of Muslim Americans that he claimed were terrorists. A lot of Raygun's modern internet perception (he's still popular in real life with real American adults.) is shaped by role-players who call themselves Communists. I know that they're not real communists because actual communists hate fags. Modern Communists claim to be LGBT & pretend that it's inherently Communist when I know that's not the case at all from the few Commies I've seen or cross paths with out in the wild.
When I hear the word communist, I think of someone more like Immortal Technique who is completely reviled & denounced by the internet Corpo-approved Communists.
I view Modern Communists to be as real as modern day Christians. They're all just faking it for the image. Sure it's funny I'm not a commie so what makes me think that I know better? I consider real Commies as an enemy faction who are part of the same struggle as me, we're both in a constant battle against the Gods of this realm. Modern day Corpo-approved commies don't point out the same monsters that I do and if they did, it's because they're just quoting Johnny Silverhand who has a solid comprehension of what the beast is that has imprisoned us through our own labor for the simple sin of being born inside the corporation. For most of us, it's the United States Corporation whose tentacles extend across the entire world.
Lynch was a guy interested in metaphysics.
I wouldn't say that he was interested. It's more that he understood that our base reality are just inverted reflections of the real world that most of us can't perceive. Lynch was one of the rare few who could which is why his movies look the way they do.
Metaphysics is just reality beyond the 'human' understanding of what reality is, because everything that we know is fake.
We don't actually know what a dog is. We just called it a dog so its identity became a dog.
Much of our human understanding was purposely constructed in a way that naturally binds us into servitude because we simply view the servitude as our logical course of action, or as our duty as citizens in some make believe grandest society
that has ever existed when every single era of humanity has always claimed itself to be the best.
Society is mostly shaped around labor & the hording of sexual intercourse. Damn near every single occult symbol is actually just a sex act or a phallus lol. That's what the real power of god is, the act of procreation but modern society has also vilified that. Not that I'd recommend giving birth to children in this shitty ass society that we've created.
There's only 300 - 500 elites and we willfully serve them rather than kill them because our entire perception of reality is written in a way where we naturally serve them.
Lynch didn't concern himself with any of that, since he's most likely smart enough to understand that you can't go against the system. (Kubrick didn't seem to give a shit, tried to and got murked.) So he just showed to us how the reality is actually layered with uncaring unknowable gods acting as a committee at the top who merely observe the humans and their drama/trauma. Killer7 kinda looked similar in that regard with the way Harman & Kun Lan are depicted. I heard that one of Lucifer's last incarnations was as a Tibetan man. I heard that from Gigi Young though and I never read anything about that. It's just amusing if that's true though, since Kun Lan (Mara) is Tibetan and he looks Luciferian and that was even his purpose in the K7 story, to act as an awakening for Matsuken & Garcian.
The way he was comfortable with both sides of that spectrum. And how he was nevertheless devoted to bring more purity to this world, with both his meditational practices and his art.
But what kept me following him is that I genuinely think he believed in navigating both that darkness and the light.
That's basically his Buddhist influence. They believe that you have to coexist with both. In the West, they try to completely suppress anything that they deem as evil which from my perspective does nothing but create anxiety issues, depression & turns the retard into an emotional mess. Although that's by design. Big Pharma corpos need a constant supply of retards which is why both Christianity & SJW Woke are constantly pushed since both ideologies dogmatically believe in purging all evil, rather then just identifying with it as a part of you.
Now that sounds like I'm speaking highly of Buddhism, but I honestly hate how Nihilistic Buddhism is. They view everything as just energy transferal and one of the leading factions in SMT Nocturne is pushing for a world of complete silence, which sounds very Buddhist-like to me.
This is why I do ponder if Lynch were an anthroposophist since Lynch is a classic case of someone who syncretizes Christian & Buddhist belief systems into his own. I tried looking it up if there were a connection there and shock of all shocks the first result you get is yet another reddit tard calling anthroposophy fascist lol. (They call everything fascist, not realizing that they resemble fascists far more than they do communists. Internet 'tards have a hard time understanding that your identity is what you do, not who you claim to be.)
I'm not sure why he titled it theosophy. Theosophy has more of an atheist bent to it (there is no creator god in their mindset.), and theosophy did actually influence the Nazis but in usual Plebbit fashion they just lump everyone they hate iunder one huge umbrella. Lynch is not theosophist at all but I do think there's a solid argument for anthroposophy.
I'll quote something you had written on David Lynch, as this thread will become the place to discuss the great Mr. Lynch:
I forgot I wrote that & way back in 2021. That post right there makes it obvious that I ain't no Lefty materialist. A lefty would call you crazy if you think the world is just a dream. A right winger would too, but they'd tell you even more insane shit that a Jewish Lesser God created everything lol. They don't ever tell you about Asherah and if you mention her, Right wing fucktards will call her a Gnostic demon (she has nothing to do with Gnosticism LOL!) when she was YHWH's wife.
Even the Big Bang falls in line with energies reflecting a reality.
That's a far better Lynch post than the one I opened with. That's actually how I write Heretic Hydra. I use the same exact logic that i explained about Lynch in that post. I'll post that quote in the opening post because I think it makes more sense out of Lynch than most people do. Most people just call Lynch creative, which he is but I think he was similar to Tolkien in that they were both just depicting reality. Which is why both of their art is so relatable. Modern art sucks ass because it's so corpo-approved and doesn't even feel like a human experience.
I also think these people largely "don't get it" in the same way you're complaining about with the Silent Hill "fandom"— David Lynch
The modern SH fandumb are the Zoomer equivalent of the Millennial Earthbound fandumb. It's just a bunch of stupid kids who never played their favorite game. They just watch a low of video essays that made them feel smart. This dumb bitch admits that she never played her favorite game SH2 before lol.
How do people like her get taken seriously when she's just a fucking poser? I guess my mini-gen was the last age group that gave a shit about keeping it real and constantly antagonizing souless corpos.
On a sidenote, I find it amusing that she's a Filipina from the Philippines but her political views just sound exactly like an everyday White Liberal American. She'd be perfect for the Saints Row reboot. The Corpo-approved Persons of Color!
What's funny is I don't even like Silent Hill and have always viewed it as overrated but I feel the need to be contrarian about it because I respect SH far more than the modern fans do. I actually view SH as a piece of art. Modern fans just treat SH as a consumerist corpo product that they crowd around as a religion. It was insane when the SH2 remake came out, because they were ganging up against anyone who said that it looked like shit or refused to review it.
David Lynch was able to stare into and closely examine how unrelentingly awful and disgusting reality can be and remain unchanged. He was able to "stare down the void" so to speak.
I view Mr. Lynch as a role model on how to live, before we even touch on him as a role model for art. Because of all the people I have read about or listened to, I found him to be the best at the big, or maybe even obvious questions— what do you do with your own feelings, how do you persist in a world that seems so horrible?
David Lynch was able to stare into and closely examine how unrelentingly awful and disgusting reality can be and remain unchanged. He was able to "stare down the void" so to speak.
I view Mr. Lynch as a role model on how to live, before we even touch on him as a role model for art. Because of all the people I have read about or listened to, I found him to be the best at the big, or maybe even obvious questions— what do you do with your own feelings, how do you persist in a world that seems so horrible?
Keanu Reeves seems to be another hollywood person who shares a similar quality. When you look into his life, it sounds really depressing. Damn near everyone he has ever loved died like 20 years ago. like Lynch, Keanu comes off as some kind of godly figure who doesn't let anything stupid like politics or religion get to him.
What's amusing is how someone like HP Lovecraft was completely terrified by the abyss that came to him so he coped by writing about it. Lynch didn't seem phased at all, and he just viewed it as the reality. You can't do nothing about it, and if you could you'd be dead already. Even Keanu Reeves breaks down sometimes and will look outright depressed.
/x/ was my favorite board after /b/ (or it might've even been my favorite board), and what I liked about it so much, especially as a teenager that didn't know more about culture and art, was that it (incidentally) focused on what I would consider to be the spirit of Lynch's art— a fascination with the unknown.
/x/ is trash, but I've only ever known /x/ since 2014 or whichever year it was where i forced to hang out at 4chan coz i got banned everywhere else. The amusing thing is they don't banned actual vile people. They only ban those who make you think, exactly what Danzig described. The last time I was at /x/, about a year ago.
I got into an argument with some Male Feminist type or maybe it was an internet tranny who claimed that one of the two sexes will eventually go extinct and it will be the women who will eventually evolve to be bigger & more muscular.
What the fuck was I even reading? First off, that's not even what evolution is. Xed had the perfect summation of what evolution is (he worded it in the same exact way that most occultists do.), I ain't gonna say it verbatim, but evolution is basically just survival of the fittest. Most Americans though, they legit believe that evolution is some kind of magical super power where you eventually mutate into extra limbs and shit. How the fuck is that any less magical & superstitious than the Right wing Christards that they hate so much. I agree that they're stupid, but I believe are both sides are fucking stupid. It doesn't make me a centrist. Centrism implies that you're in the middle trying to coexist. I don't want to coexist with them. I don't even view them as the same species as me. They're like a bunch of animals who apply an animalistic logic to everything. When an animal sees a house, they don't know it's a house. They think it's a funny looking cave.
That's what it looks like to me whenever I drop by /x/, It's a bunch of feral animals trying to comb their hair with a fork.
I never had a decent occult conversation at /x/ but I've had plenty at /pol/ way back when it had actual occultists, gnostics, & neoplatonists. These days it's a shit hole. Nothing but a bunch of brown people larping as Catholic White Supremacists. Why is it always Catholic? Historically in the USA, Catholics were non-'White' like Irish & Italians lol.
Catholics also usually vote democrat but on internet, I just see a bunch of roleplaying retards pretending to be things that they're not so most of what they say just doesn't add up but for some reason nobody ever calls them out. Or maybe there are detractors who do call them out, but they just get banned or shadowbanned from the entire mainstream internet (yes that includes twitter. Elon sure as fuck never gave me back my twatter after he bought it) like I do lol.
Lynch himself loved the internet and was incredibly excited for the possibilities it and all other newly emerging tech could have.
I wish the internet were a fountain of infinite knowledge like how Ghost in the Shell portrays it. I don't think anyone was prepared for how the future would actually look. The entire world is just one large 3rd world gutter owned by Corpos who purposely dumb down the global populace into docile complacent consoomers who eat up the same repackaged bullshit every year and treat the product as a religion. Once upon a time, Silent Hill & Resident Evil used to look like completely different games then you see Silent hill remake, it honestly looks like that it could've been a direct sequel to a Resident Evil game. That's the beauty of Lynch, he can never be imitated by corpos because they don't have a soul and Lynch's work is nothing but soul.
He was a timeless figure, and certainly a beacon against the cheap cynicism of both the world he lived in, and the one we live in.
Something I had thought to myself years ago, regarding the state of the world, was that David Lynch is "dark art" built by optimism, and Rick & Morty is "dark art" built by (pop) nihilism. I hate to even bring up that trash in this thread, but the reason I do is that it's something that really symbolized this age of cynicism (pop-nihilism) we've been trapped in since around the time Obama was elected— not that the '90s - '00s weren't cynical (as young X'rs and Millennials reveled in cynicism then), and that was even where pop-nihilism was invented (by Gen X in response to Boomers largely refusing to live in reality), but at that time, it was at least admitting what was going on (or trying to) and had a youthful vigor behind it.
From Obama forward, we've lived in this false era of "hope" where people have only become increasingly miserable, insane, and crippled.
I'm not blaming Obama the person for all of this (as he was just a puppet, and the administration + corporations is who you'd actually want to target, but he should die with them),
90s-00s era cynicism was shaped around reality. They had a rude awakening with 9/11 and with that birthed an era of extremely grimdark entertainment that accurately portrayed the senseless death & destruction caused by corpos.
The cynicism that I hate, is modern era cynicism which can be best characterized with the game series Borderlands or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Where it takes geeky products and then adds a whole layer of self aware snark & self-abasing humor all over it and they never take anything seriously. Everything is marinated in passive-aggressive sarcasm.
Nobody takes themselves seriously anymore, and if they do take themselves seriously, all they're doing is repeating Corpo NeoLiberal performative populist politics and write the entire narrative as if it were a Saturday morning cartoon show that teaches you performative progressives moral. While the philosophical depth of the product is about the same level as a saturday morning cartoon show in that there's no depth or nuance at all, they're directly telling you what to think as if you're a dumb kid who needs to be told to stop littering. Just replace litter with stop finding women attractive or whatever and then they insert something that's safe edgy like having two gay guys fuck each other.
Modern Cynicism reads like a cartoon scripted for 5 year olds but is at the same time filled to the brim with a safe-edgy corpo=approved mockery of 90s-00s cynicism which replaces a hot girl getting buttfucked during a show with an ogre looking woman being fucked by a feminine man.
Modern Cynicism exists just to make a mockery of the legends that came before them but the works that preceded them magically sucked because they were all made by White people or something.
In reality they're just incompetent DEI hires who are simply writing what they know. They moved up the corpo ranks by simply repeating the Corpo-Approved message.
Oh and for some reason they were very offended by the media of the 1970s-2000s so they make an effort to revive that media just to take a huge shit all over it and then they call you a racist or a bigot because you refused to consume it.
I can kind of understand why these dumbass Millennials hated the 80s-2000s so much (I include the 70s because the 70s was actually far more gritty, violent & sex addicted than the 80s were. Tarantino was right, the 90s is a repeat of the 70s.) This is what public American tv used to look like back in the 1990s.

Extremely crass, but what's amusing is that in the 2020s, that gets called Right wing when back in the 90s it was actually right wingers who whined about the crazy shit that younger Gen X & older Millennials were making.
To a millennial crybaby, that looks like oppression to them and the Zoomers & Gen Alpha who didn't grow up with that, are in fear of it because they're taught that actually being attracted to sexy women is evil, or gay or both. (I got called gay because I think the original Lara Croft was hotter and I also think Morgpie looks good.
Modern Right wingers always call her a tranny, simply because she has muscles. Back in the 80s & 90s, most women were built like her. That's why women used to wear leotards & thongs in public, women used to be healthy & had broad shoulders back then.
When everyone shitted on Lynch for Dune, he didn't start insulting the audience and call them stupid. He just realized that he made some mistakes (he didn't have complete control over his product.) and he learned from it.
Okay, so Lynch, by his voting habits would be a: Reaganite Conservative, Pro-Traffic Control Anarchist (Libertarian), 3rd party throwaway vote for India's Version of Scientology, and then a Pro-Smoking Democrat. Is Lynch a Demolican.. a Republicrat??
How about a vote for: This shit doesn't matter!
Let me show you some David Lynch things that the people who are already trying to perform historical revisionism on the person he was (as if they were fighting over his inheritance like they're related to him, the unpleasant downside of my earlier comment about how everyone feels like they lost a friend or relative)
I agree that he most likely didn't give a shit about politics at all. He's an Old world Old School American, most Americans never gave a shit about politics. America's obsession with Politics is really more of Nu-American thing that happened around 2015.
IMO Lynch was most likely of a culturally Right wing extraction for one simple reason, he understood the importance of aesthetics & beauty.
A common trait that Leftys have is they don't seem to understand beauty. They think it's a subjective social construct and that anybody can be beautiful. You just have to redefine the beauty standards.
They hate beauty because it's a natural hierarchy that is formed without the 'guidance' of a committee. No matter how much you tell a straight man to stop being attracted to traditionally beautiful women, he never will because beautiful women resemble Goddesses. These women help us remember who we are, Gods.
Lynch just by virtue of how he casted his women, gave me the impression that he viewed beauty as a transcendent archetype since every leading woman he casted regardless of their race had the same ideal facial & body traits that are universally known as beautiful across most cultures.

(I just realized that the one person I knew who was in a Lynch film just died last year lol. I was gonna poast her. Damn nearly everyone I knew is dropping dead out of nowhere.)
Now sure it could be a coincidence and he simply filmed what American women used to naturally look like back in the 1900s- early 2000s but then the question is, why did they look like that? They used to live in a culture that completely revolved around gods (but they would assign it to only one god YHWH when in reality it was multiple gods that USA worshipped.) and as a result of that, the people as a whole tried to resemble gods. Gods in the modern era are generally celebrities and celebs from the 1900s-early 2000s still followed conventional beauty standards, but where did conventional beauty standards come from? The Left tells you that it's just White people beauty standards yet these standards were considered beautiful even in countries that have never seen White people before.
It's naturally ingrained in us to view these aesthetics as beautiful because these aesthetics are just the reflections of the Goddesses of beauty. That's why most Lynch girls look fairly similar, their looks came from the same origin point.
When I create characters in Heretic Hydra, I do so from the mindset of what would a God look like in human form?
They wouldn't be ugly because Gods want you to bow before them. Goddess-like beauty causes most people to naturally bow before them and that's quite fitting for this character who I'd classify as an extreme evil.

She's based off a girl that I and some others have met at Mall World, which is some kind of astral plane location.
I've seen people describe the same exact rooftop restaurant that I met her at. (They just described the restaurant. Not her. I've seen posts awhile back describe her & they'll even say her name which rhymes with thorn & no it;'s not Horne like Audrey from Twin Peaks. I don't use her actual name at all in Heretic Hydra.) When she's talking to you, you feel an extreme heavenly calm. I don't trust it. What language does she speak? I don't fucking know prob some forgotten language, it just gets translated into my mind as English.
LOL I think this is what David Lynch tries to illustrate whenever he portrays his characters speaking backwards. All I know is you are literally communicating with someone, you speak and interact with each other, you can see each other. It's a real world but I don't recognize the words I'm hearing.
Edit: I looked at a short journal entry I wrote in a ring notebook.
This is parts of the convo I had with this bitch.
Tsuchiya? and 2 other girls.
Raven haired Goddess bitch:
Do you come here often?
Nah last time I was here was Jan. 27, 2023
Raven Haired Goddess Bitch:
I'd come here more often if you were here.
I'm guessing Tsuchiya was a name I was told but she sure as fuck didn't look Japanese to me. She was white. but with black hair. I did run into this bitch a few times after that but the few times that I could understand what she was saying, it was brief and it was something like "he doesn't know." or "he's not ready"
Other times she'd speak in a full blown 5-8 minute monologue and I'd hear nothing but fucking nonsensical gibberish that makes no sense to me, just like how it's portrayed in a David Lynch film, but minus the horror aspects of his films since I'd
just meet her in public settings. (I'd always forget what I was doing and immediately focus on her captivating beauty.)
I come across more than just her, but she's the only that I bothered to document because she's hot.
I may have come across a huge Blonde dude who resembles the Heretic Hydra Sigmund Bron character who told me. "You don't seem to recognize me, but you know me."
Whatever the fuck that means lol. Makes me wonder what kind of crazy shit that Lynch has came across, because experiencing it in real life, you're met with the same WTF? dialogue.
Even if I weren't depicting her as a literal evil god (In my HH fiction), she could simply lie and claim that you hit her or raped her, and an army of simps would rip you into shreds just to defend her honor. They're acting the same exact way worshippers would when you desecrate their gods.
That's actually what we're dealing with in the modern era, except the women are literally the m in simp, mediocre. A far cry from the Ethereal Goddesses that Lynch depicted in his art.
I fucked up my keyboard when I rinsed it, now the buttons are all scrambled so I'm currently using a plug in keyboard.
[quote=AngelheadedHipster post_id=4777 time=1737300311 user_id=86]
Associating him with Reagan is reductive. He very openly promoted Obama and Sanders during the elections of the past 20 years, so at least that suggests that he was somewhat sympathethic towards political movements that at least ty to look like they support the common people.[/quote]
I'm just showcasing how old world American, Lynch is. He's so oldschool that he came from an era back when Conservatives were the most dominant & mainstream culture and none of them are more mainstream than Landslide Ronnie Raygun.
LOL associating with Obama & Bernie just lowers my estimation of Lynch.
Bernie is a useless loser & has accomplished nothing. He just talks a lot. I live in the real world. Talking doesn't accomplish shit. Only violence does, and Obama understood that which is why he was insanely violent behind the scenes. It even took Trump until the 2020s for him to understand where real power comes from. (Which is why The American Empire, Zionist & Military Complex factions teamed up together to put him back in office so he can do their bidding. Who's gonna go against them? Those 3 could kill the entire world if they wanted to.)
Obama is an extension of the Bush Crime Family and 2024 seems to be the end of his influence in the USA, but unfortunately the Open Society Foundation latched on to Japan during the 2020s so now it's Japan's turn to suffer the wrath of the wokie crap that was killing the USA from within.
Unfortunately the Zionists are back in full control of the USA, but after seeing the alternative for the past 10 -12 years, I'd much rather deal with the Devil I know, than put up with that goofy utopian bullshit that Obama's handlers were peddling where they seriously tried to turn all Western leadership into mediocre DEI hires. WTF?!
I have the same opinion as Danzig in regards to Obama and the American Left. They're literal fascists.
I don't like to use the word literal, but it's exactly what the American Left have been doing ever since I was born, terrorizing American nationalists through Corpo-owned Republican & Democrat politicians. The United States itself, is officially a corporation and has been since the aftermath of the Civil War when they killed off the rich millionaires from the South and stole all of their shit.
American media just likes to play a lot of sophist word games and confuse the populace by using the terms United States of America (The actual country) and United States (the Corpo), interchangeably. Similar to how they'll use the words gender & sex interchangeably with gender being the word in dispute like how country is the word in dispute in regards to the USA.
I'm not denigrating Lynch for being a Reaganite & yes I would argue that that's the political faction that most fitted him since it was what he was recognized as during the 80s-2000s. Gotta remember, the world was a completely different place pre-2016. I was actually popular back then lol since there weren't any fucking corpos to censor me. (They were too busy censoring cable & satellite tv.) The corpos were actually forced to put up with my shit because there weren't enough dumbasses to flood the net with yet. Unlike shills of today, I went out of my way not to advertise their products and if I did, I always made fun of their shitty ads. Now in days everyone freely shills for Corpos. What the fuck happened to society? Everyone became a fucking bitch bowing down to modern day Gods yet they claim to defy God. Doesn't look like that to me. When God King Youtube tells them to shill Raid Shadow Legends, they do it with a smile on their face, like a dog wagging his tail waiting for a treat from his human.
In the modern era, we're the product, only the Corporation has full human rights and that's not an exaggeration. It's the truth, corpos are viewed as human according to the law.
We're both showing our age here. I'm 20 years older than the average age of an active internet user so I came from an era back when Reagan was viewed as a wholesome fatherly statesman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8HlgdKXhtk
It's generally only hippies, commies and wannabe nazis who hate Reagan. A lot of the modern hate towards Reagan is partly the result of Lefty boomer hippies [b]who are still crying over him 40 years later (This is exactly what Millennials will be doing 40 years from now with Trump[/b].) and Millennial self proclaimed (but have zero legit ties since neither since both factions were historically predominantly European or Asian, not American. It's yet again Americans stealing shit that ain't theirs lol.) Commie & Fascist who as I pointed out earlier are a bunch of stupid faggots larping as dead ideologies that has no place in the modern world because you can't fix modern issues with political ideas that were a reaction to their era's problems. Commies & Fascists were both viewed as progressive and forward thinking during the early 1900s.
That's what a lot of the wannabe Nazi faggots don't get. During its era, Nazis weren't viewed as edgy, counter culture or niche. Nazis were the dominant culture just like how Commies were the dominant culture. Ask any Russian in their 30s or older, and a lot of them will tell you that Communist Russia was far more manly & masculine than modern era Putin-land which is really just the Russian version of NeoLiberalism. I honestly don't understand how the fuck this site gets associated with Putin when Neo-Liberalism is the one faction that I have no tolerance for.
(It's because Americans are retarded and they think Putin is a Nazi, when Putin hates Nazis and he worships Black Jesus. I'm serious, he legit prays to statues & pics of Black Jesus. Putin is basically King Woke but everyone labels him as a Nazi.)
I can tolerate Communists and a lot of my anti corpo stances superficially looks communist. I think a lot of 'Communist' women are fucking hot. https://www.youtube.com/@partygirlspod/videos
She's smarter than most. She at least understands that Trump isn't Right wing and she just views him as a grifter who roleplays the most popular populist stances of the current climate. She's afraid of my faction though (She talks about that group in today's vid.) & when I saw that I was like., shucks looks like we can't be friends lol.
I have the same opinion as my pops (a spook who's been retired for 2 years.) in that I don't even believe that Communists exist in the 2020s. (Aside for a rare few on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb who get labeled as Alt Right Far Right Fascist' because that's how corpo modern Communism is, they can't even recognize a real commie when they see one.) Modern day commies are just reddit larper Millennials who think that they're radicalizing kids by joining a Chinese social media site,
1d ago
One of the best means for people to quickly communicate and to get radicalized is gone so other company's can have a better monopoly. The only positiv in the whole thing is all the people going to rednote building solidarity and getting radicalized even better[/quote]
and the funny part is that the Chinks hate White Leftys and view them as pussies.
News flash, crying about Capitalism & having internet arguments with people online isn't radicalization. It's NERDY!
All the gov would have to do is hire a few assholes like me and I'll go around the neighborhood recruiting every badass I see & we'd stomp out these wannabe commies because every single one of them is fake. The real Communists were Militant badasses who relied on violence, not words. Johnny Silverhand is not real. In real life nobody is going to walk through a Corpo building and gun everybody down like Johnny. Although even Johnny didn't survive his 1-man corpo raid so I'm honestly not sure what the fuck these reddit nerds are being galvanized by. A lot of them sure live within the domain of fantasy but they also have [b]the gall to act as if they're the most rational men in the room when their entire worldview just sounds like some edgy 12 year old power fantasy who can take down systems of power just by shouting at them.[/b]
Ironically there was even a game where they did exactly that, Dustborn the newborn Newporn. Whatever the fuck that means.
Cyberpunk is a damn good game, but the American internet fanbase are annoying wannabe Commies. Back in the 80s. I don't recall ever seeing any commies trying to claim the Cyberpunk genre as theirs. I agree that the Cyberpunk aesthetic is late stage capitalism but the main conflict of cyberpunk has always been corpos becoming the government and loss of our sense of self.
Back in the 80s & 90s, Cyberpunk was always Punk & Libertarian with Ghost in the Shell being the rare exception, which is a Military Techno-thriller. I don't understand why Redditors call GITS copganda, but I guess they see no difference between Military spec ops killers who use fake cop identities, and actual cops. Deus Ex & Matrix sure as fuck weren't communist but the modern era seems to equate all populist revolts with communism so anything that's associated with Rebels gets lumped into a huge Communist umbrella. TLDR: Reddit Communism is just University College Grad Larper Communism. It's not the same as real Communism which is a legit armed revolt against the state.
Like I've been saying, there's a reason why Millennials are often labeled as Boomers. At least Boomers lived during an era when Communism actually existed. Millennials are just larping about movements that they weren't even a part of & were little kids at best back when it was real. I usually make fun of Zoomers doing that, but I just noticed that Millennials fit that description far more.
The nazi or fascist reason for hating Reagan always makes me laugh since Cubans are generally Far Right, but they're not the right kind of 'white' to those nerds. (By white I mean that a lot of Cubans look like a less chiseled version of Henry Cavil.)
This is hilarious to me because Millennials are hating on Reagan for modern day issues that they believe that he caused when I just judge Reagan by who he was during his era since I was actually old enough to see for myself how popular he was. Raygun the last potus that the general populace loved on a somewhat similar level to Michael Jackson. Starting with Bush & Clinton, they've been nothing but divisive ever since.
It's just so hypocritical to me, because most millennials are also losers who still watch 1980s & 1990s children cartoons well into their 30s & 40s. It was Reagan who passed a law that made it legal for Corpos to advertise their products to kids. That's how videogames, anime, cartoons & comics became so popular with Millennials & parts of younger Gen X. That was Reagan's fault, but he never gets any credit for that because Millennials love nostalgia, so they just associate Reagan with modern day issue that he did help kick start but I wouldn't blame modern day issues on him at all. We have modern day politicians who have been there since the Reagan era like Mitch McConnel, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Biden who all did fucking nothing to curbstomp the alleged evils of the Reagan era.
I remember back in the 80s & 90s, nobody knew the names of politicians aside for the potus and his administration. I miss those days. It's funny to me because people act as if Biden was just some Obama dude (although Biden imo is more of a Trump guy and Biden most likely considers Obama as nothing but the help)
[b]TLDR: [/b]I only latched Lynch to Reagan as an example of how inherently goofy Lynch is. I'm from an era where Reagan is viewed as funny & fatherly, similar traits that Lynch has. I completely forgot that you younger people treat him like he's evil or something but then latch on to a guy like Obama who orders the death of Muslim Americans that he claimed were terrorists. A lot of Raygun's modern internet perception (he's still popular in real life with real American adults.) is shaped by role-players who call themselves Communists. I know that they're not real communists because actual communists hate fags. Modern Communists claim to be LGBT & pretend that it's inherently Communist when I know that's not the case at all from the few Commies I've seen or cross paths with out in the wild.
When I hear the word communist, I think of someone more like Immortal Technique who is completely reviled & denounced by the internet Corpo-approved Communists.
I view Modern Communists to be as real as modern day Christians. They're all just faking it for the image. Sure it's funny I'm not a commie so what makes me think that I know better? I consider real Commies as an enemy faction who are part of the same struggle as me, we're both in a constant battle against the Gods of this realm. Modern day Corpo-approved commies don't point out the same monsters that I do and if they did, it's because they're just quoting Johnny Silverhand who has a solid comprehension of what the beast is that has imprisoned us through our own labor for the simple sin of being born inside the corporation. For most of us, it's the United States Corporation whose tentacles extend across the entire world.
Lynch was a guy interested in metaphysics.[/quote]
I wouldn't say that he was interested. It's more that he understood that our base reality are just inverted reflections of the real world that most of us can't perceive. Lynch was one of the rare few who could which is why his movies look the way they do.
Metaphysics is just reality beyond the 'human' understanding of what reality is, because everything that we know is fake.
We don't actually know what a dog is. We just called it a dog so its identity became a dog.
Much of our human understanding was purposely constructed in a way that naturally binds us into servitude because we simply view the servitude as our logical course of action, or as our duty as citizens in some make believe grandest society
that has ever existed when every single era of humanity has always claimed itself to be the best.
Society is mostly shaped around labor & the hording of sexual intercourse. Damn near every single occult symbol is actually just a sex act or a phallus lol. That's what the real power of god is, the act of procreation but modern society has also vilified that. Not that I'd recommend giving birth to children in this shitty ass society that we've created.
There's only 300 - 500 elites and we willfully serve them rather than kill them because our entire perception of reality is written in a way where we naturally serve them.
Lynch didn't concern himself with any of that, since he's most likely smart enough to understand that you can't go against the system. (Kubrick didn't seem to give a shit, tried to and got murked.) So he just showed to us how the reality is actually layered with uncaring unknowable gods acting as a committee at the top who merely observe the humans and their drama/trauma. Killer7 kinda looked similar in that regard with the way Harman & Kun Lan are depicted. I heard that one of Lucifer's last incarnations was as a Tibetan man. I heard that from Gigi Young though and I never read anything about that. It's just amusing if that's true though, since Kun Lan (Mara) is Tibetan and he looks Luciferian and that was even his purpose in the K7 story, to act as an awakening for Matsuken & Garcian.
The way he was comfortable with both sides of that spectrum. And how he was nevertheless devoted to bring more purity to this world, with both his meditational practices and his art.[/quote]
But what kept me following him is that I genuinely think he believed in navigating both that darkness and the light. [/quote]
That's basically his Buddhist influence. They believe that you have to coexist with both. In the West, they try to completely suppress anything that they deem as evil which from my perspective does nothing but create anxiety issues, depression & turns the retard into an emotional mess. Although that's by design. Big Pharma corpos need a constant supply of retards which is why both Christianity & SJW Woke are constantly pushed since both ideologies dogmatically believe in purging all evil, rather then just identifying with it as a part of you.
Now that sounds like I'm speaking highly of Buddhism, but I honestly hate how Nihilistic Buddhism is. They view everything as just energy transferal and one of the leading factions in SMT Nocturne is pushing for a world of complete silence, which sounds very Buddhist-like to me.
This is why I do ponder if Lynch were an anthroposophist since Lynch is a classic case of someone who syncretizes Christian & Buddhist belief systems into his own. I tried looking it up if there were a connection there and shock of all shocks the first result you get is yet another reddit tard calling anthroposophy fascist lol. (They call everything fascist, not realizing that they resemble fascists far more than they do communists. Internet 'tards have a hard time understanding that your identity is what you do, not who you claim to be.)
I'm not sure why he titled it theosophy. Theosophy has more of an atheist bent to it (there is no creator god in their mindset.), and theosophy did actually influence the Nazis but in usual Plebbit fashion they just lump everyone they hate iunder one huge umbrella. Lynch is not theosophist at all but I do think there's a solid argument for anthroposophy.
I'll quote something you had written on David Lynch, as this thread will become the place to discuss the great Mr. Lynch:[/quote]
I forgot I wrote that & way back in 2021. That post right there makes it obvious that I ain't no Lefty materialist. A lefty would call you crazy if you think the world is just a dream. A right winger would too, but they'd tell you even more insane shit that a Jewish Lesser God created everything lol. They don't ever tell you about Asherah and if you mention her, Right wing fucktards will call her a Gnostic demon (she has nothing to do with Gnosticism LOL!) when she was YHWH's wife.
Even the Big Bang falls in line with energies reflecting a reality.
That's a far better Lynch post than the one I opened with. That's actually how I write Heretic Hydra. I use the same exact logic that i explained about Lynch in that post. I'll post that quote in the opening post because I think it makes more sense out of Lynch than most people do. Most people just call Lynch creative, which he is but I think he was similar to Tolkien in that they were both just depicting reality. Which is why both of their art is so relatable. Modern art sucks ass because it's so corpo-approved and doesn't even feel like a human experience.
[quote] I also think these people largely "don't get it" in the same way you're complaining about with the Silent Hill "fandom"— David Lynch
The modern SH fandumb are the Zoomer equivalent of the Millennial Earthbound fandumb. It's just a bunch of stupid kids who never played their favorite game. They just watch a low of video essays that made them feel smart. This dumb bitch admits that she never played her favorite game SH2 before lol.
How do people like her get taken seriously when she's just a fucking poser? I guess my mini-gen was the last age group that gave a shit about keeping it real and constantly antagonizing souless corpos.
On a sidenote, I find it amusing that she's a Filipina from the Philippines but her political views just sound exactly like an everyday White Liberal American. She'd be perfect for the Saints Row reboot. The Corpo-approved Persons of Color!
What's funny is I don't even like Silent Hill and have always viewed it as overrated but I feel the need to be contrarian about it because I respect SH far more than the modern fans do. I actually view SH as a piece of art. Modern fans just treat SH as a consumerist corpo product that they crowd around as a religion. It was insane when the SH2 remake came out, because they were ganging up against anyone who said that it looked like shit or refused to review it.
[quote] David Lynch was able to stare into and closely examine how unrelentingly awful and disgusting reality can be and remain unchanged. He was able to "stare down the void" so to speak.
I view Mr. Lynch as a role model on how to live, before we even touch on him as a role model for art. Because of all the people I have read about or listened to, I found him to be the best at the big, or maybe even obvious questions— what do you do with your own feelings, how do you persist in a world that seems so horrible?
David Lynch was able to stare into and closely examine how unrelentingly awful and disgusting reality can be and remain unchanged. He was able to "stare down the void" so to speak.
I view Mr. Lynch as a role model on how to live, before we even touch on him as a role model for art. Because of all the people I have read about or listened to, I found him to be the best at the big, or maybe even obvious questions— what do you do with your own feelings, how do you persist in a world that seems so horrible?[/quote]
Keanu Reeves seems to be another hollywood person who shares a similar quality. When you look into his life, it sounds really depressing. Damn near everyone he has ever loved died like 20 years ago. like Lynch, Keanu comes off as some kind of godly figure who doesn't let anything stupid like politics or religion get to him.
What's amusing is how someone like HP Lovecraft was completely terrified by the abyss that came to him so he coped by writing about it. Lynch didn't seem phased at all, and he just viewed it as the reality. You can't do nothing about it, and if you could you'd be dead already. Even Keanu Reeves breaks down sometimes and will look outright depressed.
/x/ was my favorite board after /b/ (or it might've even been my favorite board), and what I liked about it so much, especially as a teenager that didn't know more about culture and art, was that it (incidentally) focused on what I would consider to be the spirit of Lynch's art— a fascination with the unknown.[/quote]
/x/ is trash, but I've only ever known /x/ since 2014 or whichever year it was where i forced to hang out at 4chan coz i got banned everywhere else. The amusing thing is they don't banned actual vile people. They only ban those who make you think, exactly what Danzig described. The last time I was at /x/, about a year ago.
I got into an argument with some Male Feminist type or maybe it was an internet tranny who claimed that one of the two sexes will eventually go extinct and it will be the women who will eventually evolve to be bigger & more muscular.
What the fuck was I even reading? First off, that's not even what evolution is. Xed had the perfect summation of what evolution is (he worded it in the same exact way that most occultists do.), I ain't gonna say it verbatim, but evolution is basically just survival of the fittest. Most Americans though, they legit believe that evolution is some kind of magical super power where you eventually mutate into extra limbs and shit. How the fuck is that any less magical & superstitious than the Right wing Christards that they hate so much. I agree that they're stupid, but I believe are both sides are fucking stupid. It doesn't make me a centrist. Centrism implies that you're in the middle trying to coexist. I don't want to coexist with them. I don't even view them as the same species as me. They're like a bunch of animals who apply an animalistic logic to everything. When an animal sees a house, they don't know it's a house. They think it's a funny looking cave.
That's what it looks like to me whenever I drop by /x/, It's a bunch of feral animals trying to comb their hair with a fork.
I never had a decent occult conversation at /x/ but I've had plenty at /pol/ way back when it had actual occultists, gnostics, & neoplatonists. These days it's a shit hole. Nothing but a bunch of brown people larping as Catholic White Supremacists. Why is it always Catholic? Historically in the USA, Catholics were non-'White' like Irish & Italians lol.
Catholics also usually vote democrat but on internet, I just see a bunch of roleplaying retards pretending to be things that they're not so most of what they say just doesn't add up but for some reason nobody ever calls them out. Or maybe there are detractors who do call them out, but they just get banned or shadowbanned from the entire mainstream internet (yes that includes twitter. Elon sure as fuck never gave me back my twatter after he bought it) like I do lol.
Lynch himself loved the internet and was incredibly excited for the possibilities it and all other newly emerging tech could have.[/quote]
I wish the internet were a fountain of infinite knowledge like how Ghost in the Shell portrays it. I don't think anyone was prepared for how the future would actually look. The entire world is just one large 3rd world gutter owned by Corpos who purposely dumb down the global populace into docile complacent consoomers who eat up the same repackaged bullshit every year and treat the product as a religion. Once upon a time, Silent Hill & Resident Evil used to look like completely different games then you see Silent hill remake, it honestly looks like that it could've been a direct sequel to a Resident Evil game. That's the beauty of Lynch, he can never be imitated by corpos because they don't have a soul and Lynch's work is nothing but soul.
[quote]He was a timeless figure, and certainly a beacon against the cheap cynicism of both the world he lived in, and the one we live in.
Something I had thought to myself years ago, regarding the state of the world, was that David Lynch is "dark art" built by optimism, and Rick & Morty is "dark art" built by (pop) nihilism. I hate to even bring up that trash in this thread, but the reason I do is that it's something that really symbolized this age of cynicism (pop-nihilism) we've been trapped in since around the time Obama was elected— not that the '90s - '00s weren't cynical (as young X'rs and Millennials reveled in cynicism then), and that was even where pop-nihilism was invented (by Gen X in response to Boomers largely refusing to live in reality), but at that time, it was at least admitting what was going on (or trying to) and had a youthful vigor behind it.
From Obama forward, we've lived in this false era of "hope" where people have only become increasingly miserable, insane, and crippled.
I'm not blaming Obama the person for all of this (as he was just a puppet, and the administration + corporations is who you'd actually want to target, but he should die with them),
90s-00s era cynicism was shaped around reality. They had a rude awakening with 9/11 and with that birthed an era of extremely grimdark entertainment that accurately portrayed the senseless death & destruction caused by corpos.
The cynicism that I hate, is modern era cynicism which can be best characterized with the game series Borderlands or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Where it takes geeky products and then adds a whole layer of self aware snark & self-abasing humor all over it and they never take anything seriously. Everything is marinated in passive-aggressive sarcasm.
Nobody takes themselves seriously anymore, and if they do take themselves seriously, all they're doing is repeating Corpo NeoLiberal performative populist politics and write the entire narrative as if it were a Saturday morning cartoon show that teaches you performative progressives moral. While the philosophical depth of the product is about the same level as a saturday morning cartoon show in that there's no depth or nuance at all, they're directly telling you what to think as if you're a dumb kid who needs to be told to stop littering. Just replace litter with stop finding women attractive or whatever and then they insert something that's safe edgy like having two gay guys fuck each other.
Modern Cynicism reads like a cartoon scripted for 5 year olds but is at the same time filled to the brim with a safe-edgy corpo=approved mockery of 90s-00s cynicism which replaces a hot girl getting buttfucked during a show with an ogre looking woman being fucked by a feminine man.
Modern Cynicism exists just to make a mockery of the legends that came before them but the works that preceded them magically sucked because they were all made by White people or something.
In reality they're just incompetent DEI hires who are simply writing what they know. They moved up the corpo ranks by simply repeating the Corpo-Approved message.
Oh and for some reason they were very offended by the media of the 1970s-2000s so they make an effort to revive that media just to take a huge shit all over it and then they call you a racist or a bigot because you refused to consume it.
I can kind of understand why these dumbass Millennials hated the 80s-2000s so much (I include the 70s because the 70s was actually far more gritty, violent & sex addicted than the 80s were. Tarantino was right, the 90s is a repeat of the 70s.) This is what public American tv used to look like back in the 1990s.
Extremely crass, but what's amusing is that in the 2020s, that gets called Right wing when back in the 90s it was actually right wingers who whined about the crazy shit that younger Gen X & older Millennials were making.
To a millennial crybaby, that looks like oppression to them and the Zoomers & Gen Alpha who didn't grow up with that, are in fear of it because they're taught that actually being attracted to sexy women is evil, or gay or both. (I got called gay because I think the original Lara Croft was hotter and I also think Morgpie looks good.
Modern Right wingers always call her a tranny, simply because she has muscles. Back in the 80s & 90s, most women were built like her. That's why women used to wear leotards & thongs in public, women used to be healthy & had broad shoulders back then.
When everyone shitted on Lynch for Dune, he didn't start insulting the audience and call them stupid. He just realized that he made some mistakes (he didn't have complete control over his product.) and he learned from it.
[quote]Okay, so Lynch, by his voting habits would be a: Reaganite Conservative, Pro-Traffic Control Anarchist (Libertarian), 3rd party throwaway vote for India's Version of Scientology, and then a Pro-Smoking Democrat. Is Lynch a Demolican.. a Republicrat??
How about a vote for: This shit doesn't matter!
Let me show you some David Lynch things that the people who are already trying to perform historical revisionism on the person he was (as if they were fighting over his inheritance like they're related to him, the unpleasant downside of my earlier comment about how everyone feels like they lost a friend or relative)[/quote]
I agree that he most likely didn't give a shit about politics at all. He's an Old world Old School American, most Americans never gave a shit about politics. America's obsession with Politics is really more of Nu-American thing that happened around 2015.
IMO Lynch was most likely of a culturally Right wing extraction for one simple reason, he understood the importance of aesthetics & beauty.
A common trait that Leftys have is they don't seem to understand beauty. They think it's a subjective social construct and that anybody can be beautiful. You just have to redefine the beauty standards.
They hate beauty because it's a natural hierarchy that is formed without the 'guidance' of a committee. No matter how much you tell a straight man to stop being attracted to traditionally beautiful women, he never will because beautiful women resemble Goddesses. These women help us remember who we are, Gods.
Lynch just by virtue of how he casted his women, gave me the impression that he viewed beauty as a transcendent archetype since every leading woman he casted regardless of their race had the same ideal facial & body traits that are universally known as beautiful across most cultures.
(I just realized that the one person I knew who was in a Lynch film just died last year lol. I was gonna poast her. Damn nearly everyone I knew is dropping dead out of nowhere.)
Now sure it could be a coincidence and he simply filmed what American women used to naturally look like back in the 1900s- early 2000s but then the question is, why did they look like that? They used to live in a culture that completely revolved around gods (but they would assign it to only one god YHWH when in reality it was multiple gods that USA worshipped.) and as a result of that, the people as a whole tried to resemble gods. Gods in the modern era are generally celebrities and celebs from the 1900s-early 2000s still followed conventional beauty standards, but where did conventional beauty standards come from? The Left tells you that it's just White people beauty standards yet these standards were considered beautiful even in countries that have never seen White people before.
It's naturally ingrained in us to view these aesthetics as beautiful because these aesthetics are just the reflections of the Goddesses of beauty. That's why most Lynch girls look fairly similar, their looks came from the same origin point.
When I create characters in Heretic Hydra, I do so from the mindset of what would a God look like in human form?
They wouldn't be ugly because Gods want you to bow before them. Goddess-like beauty causes most people to naturally bow before them and that's quite fitting for this character who I'd classify as an extreme evil.
She's based off a girl that I and some others have met at Mall World, which is some kind of astral plane location.
I've seen people describe the same exact rooftop restaurant that I met her at. (They just described the restaurant. Not her. I've seen posts awhile back describe her & they'll even say her name which rhymes with thorn & no it;'s not Horne like Audrey from Twin Peaks. I don't use her actual name at all in Heretic Hydra.) When she's talking to you, you feel an extreme heavenly calm. I don't trust it. What language does she speak? I don't fucking know prob some forgotten language, it just gets translated into my mind as English.
LOL I think this is what David Lynch tries to illustrate whenever he portrays his characters speaking backwards. All I know is you are literally communicating with someone, you speak and interact with each other, you can see each other. It's a real world but I don't recognize the words I'm hearing.
Edit: I looked at a short journal entry I wrote in a ring notebook.
This is parts of the convo I had with this bitch.
Tsuchiya? and 2 other girls.
Raven haired Goddess bitch:
Do you come here often?
Nah last time I was here was Jan. 27, 2023
Raven Haired Goddess Bitch:
I'd come here more often if you were here.[/quote]
I'm guessing Tsuchiya was a name I was told but she sure as fuck didn't look Japanese to me. She was white. but with black hair. I did run into this bitch a few times after that but the few times that I could understand what she was saying, it was brief and it was something like "he doesn't know." or "he's not ready"
Other times she'd speak in a full blown 5-8 minute monologue and I'd hear nothing but fucking nonsensical gibberish that makes no sense to me, just like how it's portrayed in a David Lynch film, but minus the horror aspects of his films since I'd
just meet her in public settings. (I'd always forget what I was doing and immediately focus on her captivating beauty.)
I come across more than just her, but she's the only that I bothered to document because she's hot.
I may have come across a huge Blonde dude who resembles the Heretic Hydra Sigmund Bron character who told me. "You don't seem to recognize me, but you know me."
Whatever the fuck that means lol. Makes me wonder what kind of crazy shit that Lynch has came across, because experiencing it in real life, you're met with the same WTF? dialogue.
Even if I weren't depicting her as a literal evil god (In my HH fiction), she could simply lie and claim that you hit her or raped her, and an army of simps would rip you into shreds just to defend her honor. They're acting the same exact way worshippers would when you desecrate their gods.
That's actually what we're dealing with in the modern era, except the women are literally the m in simp, mediocre. A far cry from the Ethereal Goddesses that Lynch depicted in his art.